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hysterically ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"hysterically" için örnek kullanımlar

Before long, the entire huddle, except for Moses, was laughing hysterically,.
Çok geçmeden, Musa haricinde tüm tıkış,, histerik gülüyordu.
Kaynak: casualhoya.com
Meanwhile, Boyfriend Creighton Baird falls to the ground laughing hysterically.
Bu arada, Boyfriend Creighton Baird histerik gülüyor yere düşer.
Kaynak: z6mag.com
doubled over with pain but laughing hysterically at his unintentionally good aim.
acıyla iki büklüm ama onun istemeden iyi amacı da histerik gülüyor.
Kaynak: gothamist.com
expressing emotions exaggeratedly (such as crying hysterically), maintaining unrealistic expectations, engaging in irresponsible conduct
Kaynak: Irrationality
When squeezed three times in a row, Elmo would begin to shake and laugh hysterically. The toy was introduced in the United States in 1996,
Kaynak: Tickle Me Elmo
Susan feels guilty for taunting Carrie in the showers of the school locker-room when she responded hysterically to her late first period
Kaynak: Tommy Ross
.an odd, hysterically funny, brilliant artist," by Mitch Fatel Edwards' style is defined by his low voice and sarcastic delivery.
Kaynak: Derek Edwards
playing on screen, smoke inhalation from burning film and a telephone receiver which breaks apart while a dying girl screams hysterically into it.
Kaynak: Blood Theatre
Some of the most popular episodes include one in which Masyanya and Hryundel' snicker and later hysterically laugh while Hryundel' is
Kaynak: Masyanya
in which he says: "The ghoulish lyrics hiccup hysterically" but "wind up with a gem of jive-y wisdom that is strictly in the groove: 'Oh
Kaynak: Nervous Norvus
Odo's prejudice against Byzantium led Runciman to describe Odo as "hysterically anti-Greek." However, Phillips has recently argued that
Kaynak: Odo of Deuil
Eleazer, who at this point realized he was as not as not a brave as he thought himself, began to cry hysterically. The screams were so
Kaynak: Lucilius Bassus
By flawlessly impersonating every character of the show, impressionist Brian Froud creates a hysterically funny, manic hour of
Kaynak: Swiss Family Guy Robinson
their songs have hysterically funny lyrics, like "Yachting Type", where the guy's girl runs off with a yachtsman, or "Mantovani's Hits",
Kaynak: Yachts (band)
Skip has locked all the doors, Jonathan climbs a trellis that leads into his dorm where he finds Skip lying on the floor laughing hysterically.
Kaynak: Class (film)
The laughing gas spreads the room, making a cuckoo clock and a typewriter laugh hysterically. The laughing gas then goes out the window
Kaynak: Ha! Ha! Ha! (1934 cartoon)
However, Bridget becomes concerned for the baby after seeing her on the floor and started to hysterically cry as Nick and her try to rush
Kaynak: Aggie Jones
Learning the house has sold, the man screams hysterically, causing the realtor to quickly toss his signs into the trunk and drive away.
Kaynak: Haunted (1991 film)
Blurb: Jack Mathews, New York Daily News : "Hysterically.. .entertaining." hysterically overproduced and surprisingly entertaining film is
Kaynak: Fallacy of quoting out of context

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