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imbrication ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"imbrication" için örnek kullanımlar

In sedimentology imbrication refers to a primary depositional fabric consisting of a preferred orientation of clast s such that they
Kaynak: Imbrication (sedimentology)
In this setting, conglomerates are normally very well sorted, well-rounded and often with a strong A-axis type imbrication of the clasts
Kaynak: Conglomerate (geology)
Vowel imbrication: Vowel imbrication is the vowel harmony-like morphophonological phenomenon found in many Bantu languages. Vowel imbrication
Kaynak: Phuthi language
Moreover, the concern is that imbrication of the recti over nonintegrated implants actually can result in implant migration The recent
Kaynak: Ocular prosthesis
seen on the labial surface or lip side of anterior or front teeth as horizontal lines on the tooth crown , also known as "imbrication lines
Kaynak: Striae of Retzius
In addition to exploring the imbrication of poetry and politics, the book revealed Lee's interest in breaking down the notion of
Kaynak: Gregory B. Lee
Deformation: A low angle oblique imbrication formed. Rocks have become more deformed closer to the coast as the trench is approached.
Kaynak: Narooma Terrane
The most common imbrication between these two categories of mental impairment occurs in the polemic surrounding Edmund from William
Kaynak: Idiot
silent demonstration of the properties of the interlocking knots which illustrated the imbrication of the real, the symbolic and the imaginary
Kaynak: The Imaginary (psychoanalysis)
This creates a talus slope, rather than a felsenmeer Crude sorting with boulder imbrication can occasionally be seen on the surface of
Kaynak: Blockfield
This creates a talus slope, rather than a felsenmeer Crude sorting with boulder imbrication can occasionally be seen on the surface of
Kaynak: Felsenmeer

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