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imbrue ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

imbrue anlamı
1) bulaştırmak
2) boyamak
3) ıslatmak

"imbrue" için örnek kullanımlar

And as he was very desirous neither to be condemned by the lot, nor, if he had been left to the last, to imbrue his right hand in the
Kaynak: Josephus problem
and how many distress'd Mothers have been driven, by the Terror of Punishment and public Shame, to imbrue, contrary to Nature, their own
Kaynak: The Speech of Polly Baker
We agree with Elder Morgan in his sentiments about the pious "Christians," recognized members and communicants of churches who imbrue
Kaynak: Joseph Standing
I imbrue imbue imitable imitation immanence immanent immature immediate immemorial immense immensity immobile immobilisation immobilise
Kaynak: List of English words of French origin (D-I)
bibō | bib- | bib- | bibit- | drink | beverage, bibulous, imbibe, imbrue | cadō-cidō | cad--cid- | cecid- | cas- | fall | cadence,
Kaynak: List of Latin words with English derivatives

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