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incarnation ne demek?

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"incarnation" için örnek kullanımlar

The newest incarnation of the bill would set the income tax at 4.34 percent.
Tasarının yeni enkarnasyon 4.34 oranında gelir vergisi ayarlarsınız.
Kaynak: meadvilletribune.com
You also need that team to despise, that incarnation of all that is loathsome.
Ayrıca hor bu ekip, tiksindirici olduğunu tüm bu enkarnasyon gerekir.
Kaynak: hottimeinoldtown.com
Honestly, this new incarnation feels like the multiplayer mode of a larger game.
Dürüst olmak gerekirse, bu yeni enkarnasyon daha büyük bir oyunun multiplayer modu gibi hissediyor.
Kaynak: joystiq.com
Thief's protagonist Garrett is getting a major overhaul in his latest incarnation.
Hırsız kahramanı Garrett onun son enkarnasyonda büyük bir revizyon oluyor.
Kaynak: gameranx.com
"Britain's favourite alien The Doctor, in his eleventh incarnation , is currently played by Matt Smith , who took on the role in January
Kaynak: Doctor (Doctor Who)
The Fourth Doctor is the fourth incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science fiction series Doctor Who .
Kaynak: Fourth Doctor
Vishnu for Vaishnavites ), and is mostly translated into English as "incarnation ", but more accurately as "appearance" or "manifestation
Kaynak: Avatar
The Third Doctor is the third incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science fiction series Doctor Who .
Kaynak: Third Doctor
mysticism It teaches that the soul is eternal and either chooses an incarnation for growth or else an incarnation is imposed because of Karma .
Kaynak: Reincarnation
In Planet of the Spiders , a Time Lord, K'anpo Rinpoche, creates a corporeal projection of a future incarnation which has such an
Kaynak: Regeneration (Doctor Who)
In the general context of CORBA objects and servants , incarnation is the act of associating a servant with a CORBA object so that it may
Kaynak: Incarnation (CORBA)

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