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indented ne demek?

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"indented" için örnek kullanımlar

I hope they dont switch to the indented joysticks I hate that on xbox..
Çünkü ben xbox o nefret girintili joystick geçmek Yüklü umuyoruz ..
Kaynak: lazygamer.net
When he finds a geometrically perfect circle indented on the floor.
O katta girintili bir geometrik mükemmel bir daire bulur.
Kaynak: wetpaint.com
Most likely these are internal images indented for training the company salesmen.
Büyük olasılıkla bu şirketin satıcı eğitimi için girintili iç görüntülerdir.
Kaynak: blog.gsmarena.com
Another homage to the Mini is the provo's side sills which are deeply indented as well.
Mini başka saygı derinden yanı girintili provo tarafında eşikleri.
Kaynak: earthtechling.com
The number of peaks in indented is almost never specified, but an exception is the arms of Arthur D. Stairs: Per bend sinister indented of
Kaynak: Line (heraldry)
is a large mountainous peninsula with deeply indented coasts to the west of Tokyo on the Pacific coast of the island of Honshū , Japan .
Kaynak: Izu Peninsula
Otago Harbour is the natural harbour of Dunedin , New Zealand , consisting of a long, much-indented stretch of generally navigable water
Kaynak: Otago Harbour
The Otago Peninsula is a long, hilly indented finger of land that forms the easternmost part of Dunedin , New Zealand . Volcanic in origin
Kaynak: Otago Peninsula
The Beethoven Peninsula is a deeply indented, ice-covered peninsula, 60 | mi | 1 long in a northeast-southwest direction and 60 | mi | 1
Kaynak: Beethoven Peninsula
This is a list of rivers of Haiti , arranged by drainage basin, with respective tributaries indented under each larger stream's name.
Kaynak: List of rivers of Haiti
Ocean Harbour is a deeply indented bay on the north coast of South Georgia which is entered 1.5 | mi | km west-northwest of Tijuca point
Kaynak: Ocean Harbour
The main tourist attractions of Norway are the fjord-indented coastline and its mountains, the unspoiled nature of the inner parts of the
Kaynak: Tourism in Norway
is an extensive foreland surmounted by bare rock peaks and indented by several coves, protruding into the east part of Lutzow-Holm Bay .
Kaynak: Skarvsnes Foreland
Bears indented are a subspecies or type of the species listed above it that is non-indented. Types of bears : American Black Bear
Kaynak: List of bears
is a deeply indented bay in the shores of the Taymyr Peninsula . It is located southwest of the Nordenskiöld Archipelago in the Kara Sea
Kaynak: Middendorff Bay
Tempel is the remnant of a lunar crater whose outer rim has been eroded, indented, and reshaped by subsequent impacts and lava flows.
Kaynak: Tempel (crater)
Doubtful Bay is a small, deeply indented bay , which lies 1 | mi east-northeast of Smaaland Cove and immediately west of Rumbolds Point on
Kaynak: Doubtful Bay

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