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indenture ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

indenture anlamı
1) senet
2) sözleşme
3) sözleşme kâğıdı
4) kontrat
5) diş diş olma
6) diş açma

"indenture" için örnek kullanımlar

"The indenture says it, the supplemental prospectus says it," Weinstein said.
"Senedinde diyor, tamamlayıcı prospektüs diyor," Weinstein dedi.
Kaynak: uk.reuters.com
Discovery will issue the senior notes under the senior indenture dated Aug. 19, 2009.
Discovery 19 Ağustos 2009 tarihli kıdemli senedinde altında kıdemli notları verecektir.
Kaynak: fortmilltimes.com
Net revenues are defined in the indenture as the annual revenue of the system less operating expenses.
Net gelirler sistemi daha az faaliyet giderleri yıllık irat senedinde tanımlanır.
Kaynak: businesswire.com
It's really difficult to indenture somebody.
Bu senet birileri gerçekten zor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
An indenture is a legal contract reflecting a debt or purchase obligation, specifically referring to two types of practices: in historical
Kaynak: Indenture
During the indenture period the servants were not paid wages , but were provided with food, accommodation, clothing and training.
Kaynak: Indentured servant
The Indian indenture system was an ongoing system of indenture , a form of debt bondage , by which over a million India ns were transport
Kaynak: Indian indenture system
Between 1879 and 1916, a total of 42 ships made 87 voyages, carrying India n indenture d labourers to Fiji . Initially the ships brought
Kaynak: Indian indenture ships to Fiji
John Punch was an African indentured servant who lived in seventeenth century, colonial York County, Virginia . escape from his indenture.
Kaynak: John Punch (slave)
Babu Ram Singh was a Fiji Indian who had come to Fiji under the indenture system and was one of the few people who, after indenture,
Kaynak: Ram Singh (Fiji)
Girmityas are descendents of indenture d Indian labourers brought to Fiji to work on sugarcane plantations for the prosperity of the
Kaynak: Girmityas
Unlike the bulk of Fiji's India n population, who are descendents of Indian indenture d labourers brought to Fiji between 1879 and 1916,
Kaynak: Gujaratis in Fiji
Unlike the majority of Fiji 's India n population, who are descendants of Indian indenture d labourers brought to Fiji between 1879 and 1916
Kaynak: Sikhism in Fiji

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