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inerrancy ne demek?

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inerrancy anlamı
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"inerrancy" için örnek kullanımlar

Biblical inerrancy is the doctrine that the Bible , in its original manuscripts, is accurate and totally free from error of any kind, that
Kaynak: Biblical inerrancy
Many Evangelicals consider biblical inerrancy and/or biblical infallibility to be the necessary consequence of the Bible's doctrine of
Kaynak: Biblical inspiration
Some equate 'inerrancy ' and 'infallibility'; others do not. Infallibility and inerrancy: that "infalliblity" is a stronger term than "inerrancy."
Kaynak: Biblical infallibility
Generally, the greater the role of God in one's doctrine of inspiration, the more one accepts the doctrine of biblical inerrancy and/or
Kaynak: New Testament
Sociologists also use the term in reference to conservative Christian beliefs which include not just literalism but also inerrancy.
Kaynak: Biblical literalism
especially biblical inerrancy , which evangelicals viewed as the fundamentals of Christian faith A few scholars include Catholics who
Kaynak: Christian fundamentalism
aimed at reorienting the denomination away from a perceived liberal trajectory and towards an unambiguous affirmation of biblical inerrancy .
Kaynak: Southern Baptist Convention conservative resurgence
Others claim inerrancy for the Bible in its original manuscripts, though none of those are extant. infallibility or Limited inerrancy,
Kaynak: Christianity
willingness to interpret scripture without any preconceived notion of inerrancy of scripture or the correctness of Church dogma A liberal
Kaynak: Liberal Christianity
1915 – December 11, 2010) was a native Swiss Reformed Baptist theologian and proponent of Christian egalitarianism and biblical inerrancy .
Kaynak: Roger Nicole
He became a prominent member of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), and as such signed their statement affirming biblical inerrancy .
Kaynak: Robert H. Gundry
and was a prominent debater against Christianity and Biblical inerrancy in particular, having published several critical articles of the
Kaynak: Farrell Till
Like other forms of evangelical Protestantism , Pentecostalism adheres to the inerrancy of scripture and the necessity of accepting Christ
Kaynak: Pentecostalism
Convention of Texas so that they might partner more closely with the SBC in a fellowship based on a common commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture.
Kaynak: Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
avoids many of the pitfalls of inerrancy by holding that the Bible is without error only in matters essential to salvation and that
Kaynak: Internal consistency of the Bible
times, biblical inerrancy In J. Gordon Melton 's Encyclopedia of American Religions it is classified among "the 'liberal ' family of churches
Kaynak: Unitarianism
He is remembered for his passionate defence of the historicity and Mosaic authorship of Genesis and of Biblical inerrancy in general.
Kaynak: John Burgon

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