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inerrant ne demek?

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inerrant anlamı
1) yanılmaz
2) hata yapmaz

"inerrant" için örnek kullanımlar

It isn't inerrant and not likely even in the "original manuscripts."
Bu, hata yapmaz ve hatta de olası değildir değil "orijinal el yazması".
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
He claims Christians who believe the Bible is inerrant don't take that same Bible "seriously."
O İncil yanılmaz olduğuna inanıyorum Hıristiyanlar aynı İncil yapmayız iddia "ciddi."
Kaynak: christianpost.com
The only reason we know that Jesus dwells within every believer is because God's inerrant Word says so.
Tanrı yanılmaz Sözünü öyle diyor çünkü biz İsa'nın her müminin içinde yaşadığını biliyorum tek nedeni budur.
Kaynak: christianpost.com
Biblical Inerrancy affirm that since there are no extant original manuscripts of the Bible, those which exist cannot be considered inerrant.
Kaynak: Biblical inerrancy
The ICR adopts the Bible as an inerrant and literal documentary of scientific and historical fact as well as religious and moral truths,
Kaynak: Institute for Creation Research
illustrate the news in a timely, accurate, enjoyable, and arresting fashion from a perspective committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God."
Kaynak: World (magazine)
Adherents believe the Christian Bible is inerrant and hold its passages to be historically accurate , including the story of Noah's Ark
Kaynak: Flood geology
2005 and a series which addresses challenges to a Biblically inerrant view of Christianity Strobel also hosted a television program
Kaynak: Lee Strobel
theology of an inerrant Bible). The LCC practises closed communion , rejecting shared communion even with other Christians who do not
Kaynak: Lutheran Church–Canada
The DGL uses the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer or the 1962 Canadian book, accepts the Holy Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God,
Kaynak: Diocese of the Great Lakes
STECI holds that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God. Adherents believe, that all that is necessary for
Kaynak: St. Thomas Evangelical Church
The belief that Scripture is "inerrant" in matters of history and science, argued Rogers and McKim, constituted a 19th century innovation
Kaynak: Biblical authority
some Christian scholars maintain that the gospels are inerrant descriptions of the life of Jesus On the other extreme, some scholars have
Kaynak: Historical reliability of the Gospels
The Hanover Presbytery believes the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God and adhere to the Westminster Confession of faith and
Kaynak: Reformed Presbyterian Church – Hanover Presbytery
The party membership is open to everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour and the Bible as the inerrant word of God. The CP declares the
Kaynak: Christen Party/Christian Party
The Academy was based on the Bible being the inerrant word of God ; creationism was the basis of all scientific teaching at the school.
Kaynak: Chapel Christian Academy
Some Christians believe that the Bible is inerrant (in its original form, totally without error, and free from all contradiction,
Kaynak: Revelation
with Ellen White and tried to correct the view that her writings were inerrant (that inspired writings contain no mistakes) as advocated by
Kaynak: 1919 Bible Conference (Adventist)

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