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infidelity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

infidelity anlamı
1) aldatma
2) hıyanet
3) imansızlık
4) zina
5) kâfirlik
6) ihanet

"infidelity" için örnek kullanımlar

Soon, the couple was doing lots of infidelity investigations, Shaun says.
Yakında, çift aldatma soruşturmalar sürü yapıyordu, Shaun diyor.
Kaynak: npr.org
The couple split shortly after when Ali became aware of Mario's infidelity.
Birkaç kısa Ali Mario'nun aldatma haberdar olunca sonra ayrıldı.
Kaynak: hollywoodlife.com
that a “sour and rigid English view” of infidelity is condemning millions of people to live frustrated “celibate” lives with their spouses.
Kaynak: Adultery
Church developed a body of theology that deals with the concept of infidelity, which makes a clear differentiation between those who were
Kaynak: Infidel
Financial infidelity is the secretive act of spending money, possessing credit and credit card s, holding secret accounts or stashes of
Kaynak: Financial infidelity
In the aftermath of Schwarzenegger's infidelity scandal, actress Brigitte Nielsen came forward and stated that she too had an affair with
Kaynak: Arnold Schwarzenegger

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