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inoffensive ne demek?

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"inoffensive" için örnek kullanımlar

The Slate 7 seems to have been designed to be as inoffensive as possible.
Slate 7 mümkün olduğunca zararsız olacak şekilde tasarlanmış gibi görünüyor.
Kaynak: techcrunch.com
Mirren's rebellion is tame, inoffensive, and rather fetching in February.
Mirren isyanı, uysal zararsız ve oldukça Şubat ayında getiriliyor olduğunu.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
Leno is the white bread of late night: plain, inoffensive, forgettable.
Unutulabilir, zararsız, düz: Leno geç gece beyaz ekmek.
Kaynak: mediaite.com
Despite all this, it's hard to hate a movie as inoffensive as this.
Bütün bunlara rağmen, bu gibi zararsız bir film nefret etmek zor.
Kaynak: washingtontimes.com
As a distinctive but inoffensive exclamation, it has been widely used as a catchphrase in popular fiction, including the works of Mark
Kaynak: Great Scott
It is usually melodic enough to get a listener's attention, and is inoffensive and pleasurable enough to work well as background music .
Kaynak: Adult contemporary music
are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive, and often misleading terms for things the user wishes to dissimulate or downplay.
Kaynak: Euphemism
On the one hand, a yakṣa may be an inoffensive nature- fairy , associated with woods and mountains; but there is also a darker version of
Kaynak: Yaksha
It also gained a reputation for rather safe, inoffensive content in the late Victorian era . A mark of the high regard in which it was
Kaynak: Cornhill Magazine
They are small and inoffensive, and are rarely seen due to their size. Characteristics: Pseudoscorpions are small arachnids with a flat, pear-
Kaynak: Pseudoscorpion
Classically, token characters have some reduced capacity compared to the other characters and may have bland or inoffensive personalities
Kaynak: Tokenism
Often such words or phrases are regarded as profanity or "bad language", though there are also inoffensive expletive attributives.
Kaynak: Expletive attributive
captured some inoffensive natives and returned with them as captives to Sagres , excusing his failure by recounting the dangers of the trip.
Kaynak: Gil Eanes
In Mexico, the word is not used in a potentially ambiguous situation; instead, one may use the inoffensive blanquillos (literally: "little
Kaynak: Spanish profanity
When English botanist Philip Miller first described the species in 1768, he misspelled the Latin word innoxia (inoffensive) when naming
Kaynak: Datura inoxia
another plot strand, the townspeople remove all religious aspects of Christmas from South Park to remain politically correct and inoffensive.
Kaynak: Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
generate only inoffensive byproducts. be stereospecific be physiologically stable. exhibit a large thermodynamic driving force ( 84 kJ /mol )
Kaynak: Click chemistry
The action of the novel revolves around an incident during World War II in which Johnny's inoffensive home town of Blackbury was hit by
Kaynak: Johnny and the Bomb
The character's name is a deliberate misspelling of the name of a bland and fairly inoffensive food, milk toast . Milk toast, light and
Kaynak: Caspar Milquetoast
The joke had to be short, funny, and inoffensive to receive credit. External links : id 22616 VIAF 108792451 NAME Sacks, Gerald | ALTERNATIVE
Kaynak: Gerald Sacks
Most pleasing fungus beetles, however, are inoffensive animals of little significance to humans. Selected genera. File:Pharaxonotha esperanzae
Kaynak: Erotylidae
In life they were probably slow, clumsy and inoffensive animals, that had evolved a covering of armoured scutes to protect them against
Kaynak: Bradysaurus

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