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insubordination ne demek?

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insubordination anlamı
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2) asilik

"insubordination" için örnek kullanımlar

In February former director Courtney Austin was fired for insubordination.
Şubat ayında eski müdürü Courtney Austin başkaldırma için kovuldu.
Kaynak: wboy.com
Yet, the only thing Whisenhunt reprimanded him for was his insubordination.
Onun asilik olduğu için Ancak, tek şey Whisenhunt onu azarladı.
Kaynak: blog.azcardinals.com
He had moments of insubordination with his college coach, Urban Meyer, at Florida.
O Florida onun kolej koçu, Kentsel Meyer ile başkaldırma anları vardı.
Kaynak: crosscut.com
In a different environment, such insubordination would have been a recipe for disaster.
Farklı bir ortamda, böyle bir itaatsizlik felaket için bir reçetedir olurdu.
Kaynak: independent.ie
Insubordination is the act of willfully disobeying an authority. is unethical or illegal is not insubordination; neither is refusing to
Kaynak: Insubordination
with Bainimarama announcing that he had dismissed the Acting Land Force Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Jone Baledrokadroka for insubordination .
Kaynak: Baledrokadroka incident
operations , to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment.
Kaynak: Espionage Act of 1917
Israel : I do not permit insubordination." "I should like to see a sunset . . . Do me that kindness . . . Order the sun to set . . ."
Kaynak: Examples of civil disobedience
of Beauvais Pierre Cauchon for charges of "insubordination and heterodoxy and was burned at the stake for heresy when she was 19 years old.
Kaynak: Joan of Arc
but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination.
Kaynak: Amazing Grace
He had to deal with threats from revolutionaries and insubordination by Portuguese troops, all of which he subdued. The Portuguese
Kaynak: Pedro I of Brazil
Later that year, he was court-martial ed for insubordination after accusing Army and Navy leaders of an "almost treasonable
Kaynak: Billy Mitchell
After being twice thrown in jail over alleged indiscipline, desertion and insubordination, he was stripped of his rank of Colonel in 2006
Kaynak: Patrick Karegeya
the main character Fred Halpern after he is expelled from Goddard Space Academy for insubordination, and tries to find his way back into space.
Kaynak: Moon of Mutiny

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