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insufficiently ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

insufficiently anlamı

"insufficiently" için örnek kullanımlar

At the same time, they feel they have been insufficiently rewarded for their services.
Aynı zamanda, onlar yeterince kendi hizmetleri için ödüllendirilir edilmiştir hissediyorum.
Kaynak: wsws.org
Unfortunately, chronic wounds are currently poorly understood and insufficiently treated.
Ne yazık ki, kronik yaralar henüz tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır ve yetersiz tedavi.
Kaynak: theinformationdaily.com
Perhaps sensing his sources have been insufficiently forthcoming, Ritchie does some deducing.
Gazetecilerin haber kaynaklarının yetersiz yaklaşan olmuştur Belki algılama, Ritchie bazı çözmekten yapar.
Kaynak: networkworld.com
Her insufficiently funny quips on the red carpet?
Kırmızı halı üzerinde Onun yeterince komik quips?
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
Photokeratitis or ultraviolet keratitis is a painful eye condition caused by exposure of insufficiently protected eye s to the ultraviolet
Kaynak: Photokeratitis
Duration neglect is a cognitive bias that occurs when duration of an episode insufficiently affects its valuation. It is a subtype of
Kaynak: Duration neglect
The party who believes that the facts are insufficiently pleaded will issue a request for further and better particulars or a more
Kaynak: Further and better particulars
An increasing number of critics during the 1960s charged that the AEC's regulations were insufficiently rigorous in several important areas
Kaynak: United States Atomic Energy Commission
history, for benefiting from the free contributions of online volunteers, and for insufficiently disclosing the free nature of their content.
Kaynak: VDM Publishing
An insufficiently clear and complete disclosure of the invention is a ground of opposition and revocation. Article 83 EPC and the generally
Kaynak: Disclosure of the invention under the European Patent Convention
The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal
Kaynak: Redneck
Fans may see sudden death as exciting and suspenseful, or they may view the format as insufficiently related to the sport played during
Kaynak: Sudden death (sport)
on the grounds that the subject-matter of the patent is not patentable , that the invention is insufficiently disclosed , or that the
Kaynak: Opposition procedure before the European Patent Office
into and out of the lungs, to provide the mechanism of breathing for a patient who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently.
Kaynak: Medical ventilator
He was a prolific malacologist who described "hundreds of new species, most of them unillustrated and insufficiently diagnosed He partly
Kaynak: Arthur Adams (zoologist)
They are part of the insufficiently studied superfamily Gelechioidea , and like their relatives, the circumscription of this taxon is
Kaynak: Oecophorinae
Movement , which criticized his support of the Bush Administration's bank bailout and argued that Bennett was insufficiently conservative.
Kaynak: Bob Bennett (politician)
"enforced prostitution" appear in international and humanitarian conventions but have been insufficiently understood and inconsistently applied. "
Kaynak: Forced prostitution
The fauna and flora of that area is very insufficiently known in general. Various sources consider the family Staffordiidae as part of
Kaynak: Staffordiidae
Republicans whose political views or actions they consider insufficiently conservative or otherwise not conforming to their conservative position.
Kaynak: Republican In Name Only
Obligate hibernation , a state of inactivity in which some organisms survive conditions of insufficiently available resources.
Kaynak: Obligate

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