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intersection ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intersection anlamı
1) kavşak
2) kesişim
3) kesişme

"intersection" için örnek kullanımlar

It happened just after 1pm at the intersection of Montrose and McLeod Roads.
Bu Montrose ve McLeod Yolların kesiştiği noktada hemen sonra 1 oldu.
Kaynak: chch.com

An image of a band playing in the middle of an intersection caught.

Bir kavşak ortasında oynayan bir grup bir görüntü yakaladı.

Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Much of the skepticism occurs at the intersection of consumerism and medicine.
Çok şüphecilik tüketicilik ve tıbbın kesiştiği noktada oluşur.
Kaynak: news.medill.northwestern.edu
A water main break has closed the intersection of Pinnacle Peak and Pima Roads.
Bir su ana mola Pinnacle Peak ve Pima Yolların kesiştiği kapattı.
Kaynak: myfoxphoenix.com
An intersection is a road junction where two or more roads either meet or cross at grade (they are at the same level). An intersection
Kaynak: Intersection (road)
In mathematics , the intersection (denoted as ∩) of two sets A and B is the set that contains all elements of A that also belong to B (or
Kaynak: Intersection (set theory)
Intersection is a 1994 film, directed by Mark Rydell and starring Richard Gere , Sharon Stone , and Lolita Davidovich . an intersection,
Kaynak: Intersection (1994 film)
In Euclidean geometry , the intersection of a line and a line can be the empty set , a point , or a line. finding the intersection point
Kaynak: Line-line intersection
In aviation , an intersection is a virtual navigation al fix that helps aircraft to maintain their flight plan . the intersection (in
Kaynak: Intersection (aviation)
In combinatorial optimization , the matroid intersection problem is to find a largest common independent set in two matroid s over the same
Kaynak: Matroid intersection
Tom Moreland Interchange, colloquially known as Spaghetti Junction , is the intersection of Interstate 85 and Interstate 285 , along with
Kaynak: Tom Moreland Interchange
Resection versus intersection: Resection and its related method, intersection, are used in surveying as well as in general land navigation
Kaynak: Resection (orientation)
Rawlins Cross, formed by the intersection of Prescott Street, Monkstown and Military Roads, is a well known St. John's , Newfoundland and
Kaynak: Rawlins Cross, St. John's

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