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invalidate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

invalidate anlamı
1) geçersiz kılmak
2) hükümsüz kılmak
3) iptal etmek
4) boşa çıkarmak

"invalidate" için örnek kullanımlar

But that wrong doesn't invalidate the policy of purchased manumission.
Ama bu yanlış satın azat politikasını geçersiz kılmaz.
Kaynak: blogs.telegraph.co.uk
Rooting can invalidate your warranty but is completely reversible.
Köklenme garantiyi geçersiz ama tamamen tersinir olabilir.
Kaynak: thefullsignal.com
"Most of the time we try and invalidate these tokens as soon as we detect a scam."
"Biz denemek ve en kısa sürede biz bir aldatmaca tespit olarak bu belirteçleri geçersiz çoğu zaman."
Kaynak: usatoday.com
Apple has thus far been unsuccessful in efforts to invalidate the Mexican firm's name.
Apple bugüne kadar Meksika firmanın adı geçersiz çabalarında başarısız olmuştur.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
In cache coherency protocol literature, Write-Once was the first write-invalidate protocol defined. write and a write-invalidate on all
Kaynak: Write-once (cache coherence)
Wisconsin Referendum 1 of 2006 was a referendum on an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution that would invalidate same-sex marriage s
Kaynak: Wisconsin Referendum 1
Regressionism is the tendency to invalidate the progressive approach towards arts and sciences or to undermine its being the only option
Kaynak: Regressionism
With regard to invalidation, CPUs implement invalidate queues, whereby incoming invalidate requests are instantly acknowledged but not in
Kaynak: MESI protocol
However, traditionally Muslims believe that certain acts invalidate the wudu (often referred to as "breaking wudu") and these can be
Kaynak: Wudu

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