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invariable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

invariable anlamı
1) değişmez
2) sabit
3) değiştirilemez
4) daimi
5) sürekli
6) devamlı
1) sabit terim

"invariable" için örnek kullanımlar

Dylan's invariable response in such conversations was 'I'll get back to you.'
Bu tür konuşmaları Dylan'ın değişmez yanıtı 'Ben size geri döneceğiz.' Oldu
Kaynak: hollywoodreporter.com
We will try and mix it up to the batsmen especially on wickets with invariable bounce.
Biz denemek ve özellikle değişmez sıçrama ile Wickets üzerinde batsmen için o kadar karıştırın.
Kaynak: firstpost.com
It is because of the invariable support extended by HVPNL that the project has come up.
Projenin geldi çünkü HVPNL tarafından genişletilmiş değişmez destek olduğunu.
Kaynak: equitybulls.com
Pancakes are the invariable attribute of Shrovetide.
Pancakes Apakurya ve değişmez özelliği vardır.
Kaynak: english.ruvr.ru
In English and many other language s, uninflected words include preposition s, interjection s, and conjunction s, often called invariable
Kaynak: Uninflected word
The invariable plane of a planetary system , also called Laplace's invariable plane, is the plane passing through its barycenter
Kaynak: Invariable plane
The Mass, a form of sacred musical composition , is a choral composition that sets the invariable portions of the Eucharist ic liturgy
Kaynak: Mass (music)
Brise soleil, sometimes brise-soleil (bʁiːz sɔlɛj, plural, "brise-soleil" (invariable), from French , "sun breaker"), in architecture
Kaynak: Brise soleil
Probably the closest current representation of the disk is known as the invariable plane of the Solar System. 1° to the invariable plane,
Kaynak: Ecliptic

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