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invariant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"invariant" için örnek kullanımlar

First, I include all time invariant covariants and add the time variant covariates.
İlk olarak, her zaman değişmeyen kovaryatlarıydı içerir ve zamanla değişen değişenler ekleyin.
Kaynak: jezebel.com
Once the energy of the two hadronic jets is known, one computes the "dijet invariant mass": this is the mass of a hypothetical particle produced in the collision, if it decayed yielding the two observed jets of hadrons.
Bir kez iki hadronik jetlerin enerji bilinen, bir "dijet sabit kütle" hesaplar: bu hadronların iki gözlenen jetler yumuşak çürümüş ise bu, çarpışma üretilen bir varsayımsal bir parçacık kütlesidir.
Kaynak: science20.com
In mathematics , an invariant is a property of a class of mathematical objects that remains unchanged when transformations of a certain type
Kaynak: Invariant (mathematics)
In mathematics and theoretical physics , an invariant is a property of a system which remains unchanged under some transformation .
Kaynak: Invariant (physics)
In the mathematical field of knot theory , a knot invariant is a quantity (in a broad sense) defined for each knot which is the same for
Kaynak: Knot invariant
In computer science , an invariant is a condition that can be relied upon to be true during execution of a program. a loop invariant is a
Kaynak: Invariant (computer science)
In mathematics , an invariant subspace of a linear mapping : T : V → V. contained in W. An invariant subspace of T is also said to be T invariant.
Kaynak: Invariant subspace
In computer programming , specifically object-oriented programming , a class invariant is an invariant used to constrain objects of a
Kaynak: Class invariant
In mathematics , an invariant measure is a measure that is preserved by some function . Ergodic theory is the study of invariant measures
Kaynak: Invariant measure
In computer science , a loop invariant is an invariant used to prove properties of loop s and, by extension, algorithm s employing loops
Kaynak: Loop invariant
In statistics , the concept of being an invariant estimator is a criterion that can be used to compare the properties of different
Kaynak: Invariant estimator
In topology and related areas of mathematics a topological property or topological invariant is a property of a topological space which
Kaynak: Topological property
In mathematics , an invariant polynomial is a polynomial P that is invariant under a group Gamma acting on a vector space V. Therefore
Kaynak: Invariant polynomial
In mathematics , a fixed point (sometimes shortened to fixpoint, also known as an invariant point) of a function is a point that is mapped
Kaynak: Fixed point (mathematics)
When M is a Euclidean space and all the fields are taken to be invariant by translations by the vectors of M, we get back to a situation
Kaynak: Tensor field
Assuming that mass is invariant in all inertial frames, the above equation shows Newton's laws of mechanics, if valid in one frame, must
Kaynak: Galilean invariance

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