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inverse ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inverse anlamı
1) ters
2) aksi
3) devrik
1) ters şey
2) ters olma

"inverse" için örnek kullanımlar

Up to 15% of its net assets may be invested in inverse flo.
Yukarı net varlıklarının% 15 ters flo yatırım olabilir.
Kaynak: marketsntrade.com
The inverse correlation between the two series is obvious.
İki seri arasındaki ters korelasyon açıktır.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Last three years have been a complete inverse correlation between stocks and the US dollar.
Son üç yıl hisse senetleri ve ABD doları arasında tam bir ters korelasyon olmuştur.
Kaynak: moneycontrol.com
In mathematics , an inverse function is a function that undoes another function: If an input x into the function ƒ produces an output y,
Kaynak: Inverse function
In mathematics , a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/ x or x−1, is a number which when multiplied by x
Kaynak: Multiplicative inverse
In abstract algebra , the idea of an inverse element generalises the concept of a negation , in relation to addition , and a reciprocal , in
Kaynak: Inverse element
In mathematics , the inverse trigonometric functions (occasionally called cyclometric functions) are the inverse function s of the
Kaynak: Inverse trigonometric functions
However, in some cases such a matrix may have a left inverse or right inverse . then A has a left inverse: an n-by- m matrix B such that
Kaynak: Invertible matrix
An inverse problem is a general framework that is used to convert observed measurements into information about a physical object or system
Kaynak: Inverse problem
In mathematics, an inverse semigroup S is a semigroup in which every element x in S has a unique inverse y in S in the sense that x xyx and
Kaynak: Inverse semigroup
In mathematics, the additive inverse, or opposite, of a number a is the number that, when added to a, yields zero . The additive inverse
Kaynak: Additive inverse
In many contexts in mathematics the term inverse indicates the opposite of something. This word and its derivatives are used widely in
Kaynak: Inverse (mathematics)
In mathematics , the inverse limit (also called the projective limit) is a construction which allows one to "glue together" several related
Kaynak: Inverse limit
In mathematics , the inverse relation of a binary relation is the relation that occurs when you switch the order of the elements in the
Kaynak: Inverse relation
In geometry , an inverse curve of a given curve C is the result of applying an inverse operation to C. Specifically, with respect to a
Kaynak: Inverse curve
The definition of a direct–inverse language is a matter under research, but it is widely understood to involve different grammar for
Kaynak: Direct–inverse language
In traditional logic , an inverse is a type of conditional sentence which is an immediate inference made from another conditional sentence
Kaynak: Inverse (logic)
In mathematics , the inverse Laplace transform of a function F(s) is the function f(t) which has the property: mathcal Lleft f(t) ight
Kaynak: Inverse Laplace transform
Inverse number: numbers – singular, dual, and plural – and exhibit an unusual system of marking number, called inverse number (or number toggling).
Kaynak: Grammatical number
Product and inverse: Symmetric group. The product of two permutations is defined as their composition as functions, in other words σ·π is the
Kaynak: Permutation

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