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invertebrate ne demek?

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invertebrate anlamı
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"invertebrate" için örnek kullanımlar

There are two punchlines to this story of thwarted invertebrate mating.
Bertaraf omurgasız çiftleşme bu hikayede iki punchlines vardır.
Kaynak: nature.com
He convincingly portrays a suave, soigné, moral invertebrate.
O ikna edici bir suave soigné, ahlaki omurgasız canlandırıyor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
I'm actually the first marine invertebrate to make it onto the Endangered Species Act.
Aslında Tehlikedeki Türler Yasası üzerine bunu yapmak için ilk deniz omurgasız değilim.
Kaynak: livescience.com
Many key observations made in the invertebrate have carried over to vertebrate systems.
Omurgasız yapılan birçok önemli gözlem sistemleri omurgalı üzerinde taşıdı.
Kaynak: sciencedaily.com
Marine invertebrates are multicellular animals that inhabit a marine environment and are invertebrate s, lacking a vertebral column .
Kaynak: Marine invertebrates
The invertebrate trachea refers to the open respiratory system composed of spiracles , tracheae, and tracheole s that terrestrial
Kaynak: Invertebrate trachea
Invertebrate zoology is the biological discipline that consists of the study of invertebrate animals, i.e. animals without a backbone
Kaynak: Invertebrate zoology
"cut into sections") are a class of invertebrate s within the arthropod phylum that have a chitin ous exoskeleton , a three-part body
Kaynak: Insect
An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton ), a segmented body, and jointed appendage s.
Kaynak: Arthropod
The history of invertebrate paleozoology (also spelled palaeozoology) differs from the history of paleontology in that the former usually
Kaynak: History of invertebrate paleozoology
Most animal testing involves invertebrate s, especially Drosophila melanogaster , a fruit fly , and Caenorhabditis elegans , a nematode .
Kaynak: Animal testing on invertebrates
The molluscs or mollusks (ˈmɒləsks | pron), compose the large phylum of invertebrate animals, known as the phylum Mollusca.
Kaynak: Mollusca

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