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invisibility ne demek?

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invisibility anlamı
1) görünmezlik
2) görülmezlik

"invisibility" için örnek kullanımlar

This invisibility is one of the biggest difficulties for the homeless.
Bu görünmezlik evsizler için en büyük zorluklardan biridir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Tuesday's trailer showed Connor's invisibility granting "Wolf Cloak."
Salı günkü römork verilmesi Connor görünmezlik gösterdi "Kurt Pelerin."
Kaynak: gamenguide.com
Dominant efforts for stretches, counterbalanced by stretches of invisibility.
Görünmezlik uzanıyor ile dengelenmektedir menziller için Dominant çabaları.
Kaynak: ca.sports.yahoo.com
His "invisibility cloak" is made out of two pieces of calcite, or optical crystals.
Onun "görünmezlik pelerini" iki kalsit parçaları, ya da optik kristaller dışında yapılır.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
Optical metamaterial s have featured in several recent proposals for invisibility schemes. " "Metamaterials" refers to materials that owe
Kaynak: Cloaking device
Social invisibility occurs when, to a material degree, the social network that would ordinarily bind a group to the larger society is
Kaynak: Social invisibility
A cloak of invisibility is a theme that has occurred in fiction , and is a device which is under some scientific inquiry. of invisibility
Kaynak: Cloak of invisibility
Invisibility Cloak may refer to: Cloak of invisibility is a theme that has occurred in fiction. in Harry Potter#Invisibility Cloaks is the
Kaynak: Invisibility Cloak
Metamaterial cloaking is the usage of metamaterials in an invisibility cloak . This is accomplished by manipulating the paths traversed
Kaynak: Metamaterial cloaking
In CAD /CAM, quantitative invisibility (QI) is the number of solid bodies that obscure a point in space as projected onto a plane .
Kaynak: Quantitative Invisibility
Invisibility in fiction is a common plot device, found in both the science fiction and fantasy genres. In fantasy, invisibility is often
Kaynak: Invisibility in fiction
Bisexual erasure or bisexual invisibility is the tendency to ignore, remove, falsify, or reexplain evidence of bisexuality in history ,
Kaynak: Bisexual erasure
Invisibility Cloaks: Harry's Cloak of Invisibility | l1 Harry's Cloak of Invisibility Within the Harry Potter universe , an invisibility cloak
Kaynak: Magical objects in Harry Potter
Theories of cloaking discusses various theories based on science and research , for producing an electromagnetic cloak of invisibility .
Kaynak: Theories of cloaking
relatively small but highly successful companies that are concealed behind a curtain of inconspicuousness, invisibility, and sometimes secrecy.
Kaynak: Hidden champions
It is described in an earlier story, The Hobbit (1937), as a magic ring of invisibility . encompassing than invisibility, and states that
Kaynak: One Ring
In other work, a form of 'invisibility' has been demonstrated at least over a narrow wave band with gradient-index materials .
Kaynak: Metamaterial

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