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invitation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

invitation anlamı
1) davet
2) davetiye
3) çağrı

"invitation" için örnek kullanımlar

No almond butter and J. AB&J sounds like an invitation to something awful.
Hayır badem ezmesi ve J. AB & J korkunç bir şey için bir davetiye gibi geliyor.
Kaynak: blogs.dallasobserver.com
He said, "I hear you," but I never had an invitation to attend the meeting.
O, "Ben, seni duyuyorum" ama ben toplantıya katılmak için bir davetiye yoktu, dedi.
Kaynak: fool.com
Next question: Will St. John's even garner an invitation to the NIT?
Sonraki soru: St John bile NIT daveti toplamak mı?
Kaynak: espn.go.com
"For them to accept the invitation is great honor," Reichert said.
"Onları daveti büyük bir onur kabul etmek için," Reichert dedi.
Kaynak: journal-advocate.com
A wedding invitation is a letter asking the recipient to attend a wedding . It is typically written in formal, third-person language and
Kaynak: Wedding invitation
An invitation system is a method of joining an organization, such as a club or a website. In regular society, it refers to any system
Kaynak: Invitation system
Most altar calls occur at the end of an evangelical address date May 2011 invitation may be referred to as an "altar call" even if there is
Kaynak: Altar call
Invitation to treat (or invitation to bargain in the United States) is a contract law term. It comes from the Latin phrase invitatio ad
Kaynak: Invitation to treat

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