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inwards ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

inwards anlamı
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"inwards" için örnek kullanımlar

His legs were turned inwards and people claimed he was a curse from the devil.
Bacakları içe döndü ve insanlar o şeytandan bir lanet olduğunu iddia edildi.
Kaynak: thinkafricapress.com
The leaves can be stacked so that they project inwards or outwards.
Onlar içeriye veya dışarıya doğru çıkıntı böylece yapraklar yığılmış olabilir.
Kaynak: specificationonline.co.uk
It prevents her paw joints from extending fully and her front feet bend inwards.
Tamamen uzanan onu pençe eklemleri önler ve onu ön ayakları içe kıvırın.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
In astronomy , an inner moon is a natural satellite following a prograde , low- inclination orbit inwards of the large satellites of the
Kaynak: Inner moon
Christian polemics and apologetics in Europe during the Middle Ages were primarily directed inwards, either against "heretics," such as the
Kaynak: Christian polemics and apologetics in the Middle Ages
Shelfstone is a type of speleothem that grows inwards from the edge of a cave pool. It takes the form of ledges that tend to be flat on
Kaynak: Shelfstone
The Lova Sign is a hand gesture, palm inwards, with the right hand over ones heart doing the original peace sign It originates from The
Kaynak: Lova Sign
The compressive forces may also be applied in multiple directions; for example inwards along the edges of a plate or all over the side
Kaynak: Compression (physics)
Armorial Bearings of Warwick Rodwell Gules a mascle argent throughout embowed inwards between four feurs-de-lys apexes inwards and
Kaynak: Warwick Rodwell
The resulting flattened diaphragm contracts inwards instead of downwards, thereby paradoxically pulling the inferior ribs inwards with its
Kaynak: Hoover's sign (pulmonary)
accelerate their liners inwards, and in other calculations such as explosive welding where explosives force two metal sheets together and bond them
Kaynak: Gurney equations
02 02 | Ǒ | PLUMED HEAD | head of man with crested helmet | 19 | the most frequent symbol, always word-initial (if direction is inwards) |
Kaynak: Phaistos Disc
When a liquid is under pressure , each particle gets pushed inwards by all the surrounding particles, and, in reaction , pushes them
Kaynak: Stress (mechanics)
It is continued externally by electrons moving inwards, negative charge moving one way constituting positive current flowing the other
Kaynak: Cathode
The heated outer layer explodes outward, producing a reaction force against the remainder of the target, accelerating it inwards,
Kaynak: Inertial confinement fusion
The enemy's line facing a salient is referred to as a re-entrant (an angle pointing inwards). A deep salient is vulnerable to being "
Kaynak: Salients, re-entrants and pockets
it is used to describe the distal portion of the knee joint which bends outwards and thus the proximal portion seems to be bent inwards.
Kaynak: Genu valgum
The enemy's line facing a salient is referred to as a re-entrant (an angle pointing inwards). A deep salient is vulnerable to being "
Kaynak: Ypres Salient
This type of timber framing consists of long, generally bent, timber beams that lean inwards and form the ridge of the roof.
Kaynak: Cruck
If the inwards pointing gravitational force, however, is stronger than the total combination of the outward pointing forces, the
Kaynak: Gravitational collapse

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