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invulnerable ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"invulnerable" için örnek kullanımlar

While you are invulnerable, your followers are very much mortal.
Eğer savunmasızsınız da, takipçileri çok ölümlüdür.
Kaynak: pocketgamer.co.uk
Although she is a symbol of resilience, she is not invulnerable.
O esneklik sembolü olmasına rağmen, o yenilmez değildir.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
That's not to say the Tigers are invulnerable, of course.
Yani Kaplanlar elbette yenilmez olduğunu söylemek değil.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
The Nazis' engineering prowess was similarly not as invulnerable as they had earlier boasted.
Daha önce övünen olduğu gibi Nazilerin mühendislik kahramanlık benzer olarak yenilmez değildi.
Kaynak: newsfeed.time.com
(Pre- Crisis, his costume and cape were made of Kryptonian fabric that was invulnerable under a yellow sun) Superman's invulnerability is
Kaynak: Powers and abilities of Superman
Later legends (beginning with a poem by Statius in the 1st century AD) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for
Kaynak: Achilles
The peasantry thought of these jagos as being kebal (invulnerable) against sharp weapons, bullets and also against the anger of those in
Kaynak: Preman (Indonesian gangsters)
Kryptonian s, and the word Kryptonite has since become synonymous with an Achilles' heel —the one weakness of an otherwise invulnerable hero
Kaynak: Kryptonite
According to legend, Mambrino possessed a helmet of pure gold that rendered its wearer invulnerable. Possession of the helmet was the
Kaynak: Mambrino
convinced that they were invulnerable to foreign weapons, converged on Beijing with the slogan "support the Qing, exterminate the foreigners."
Kaynak: Boxer Rebellion
Invulnerable Hulls: The Puppeteer firm, General Products , produces an invulnerable starship hull, known simply as a General Products Hull
Kaynak: Known Space

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