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involved ne demek?

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2) karışmış
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7) dalmış
8) kapılmış

"involved" için örnek kullanımlar

The addition wouldn't be completely random, as there's some history involved.
Bâzı geçmişi var gibi Ayrıca, tamamen rastgele olmaz.
Kaynak: newyork.cbslocal.com
Saratoga was founded in 1998 and is involved in areas such as software design.
Saratoga 1998 yılında kuruldu ve bu yazılım tasarım gibi alanlarda yer almaktadır.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
Orlando Bloom's wife and her assistant were involved in a car accident Monday o
Orlando Bloom'un karısı ve onun asistanı bir araba kazasında Pazartesi o dahil edildi
Kaynak: latimes.com
So who the hell is this guy and how the heck did we get involved?
Yani bu herif kim olduğunu ve nasıl halt dahil oldunuz?
Kaynak: nunesmagician.com
Most of the technology involved in the web, like the hypertext, like the Internet, multifont text objects, had all been designed already.
Kaynak: Tim Berners-Lee
Volunteers have looked through the content but no party involved in this selection takes any responsibility or liability for the content.
Kaynak: Wikipedia CD Selection
Safety-involved systems are related to safety-critical systems, but are those that do not have full responsibility for controlling hazards
Kaynak: Safety-involved systems
pay-per-view buys, and ticket sales The celebrities involved with WrestleMania events have come from a range of occupations, including
Kaynak: List of celebrities involved with WrestleMania
The following is a list of people involved in a significant way with the science fiction television series Crusade (1999), the short-lived
Kaynak: List of people involved with Crusade
The following is a list of people involved in a significant way with the science fiction television series Babylon 5 . It includes
Kaynak: List of people involved with Babylon 5
Ferrie and Guy Banister , were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to kill President Kennedy.
Kaynak: List of people involved in the trial of Clay Shaw
People involved with the French Resistance include: Apolônio de Carvalho (1912-2005), Brazilian revolutionary. José Aboulker (1920-2009)
Kaynak: List of people involved with the French Resistance
A list of companies, governmental and quasi-governmental agencies (GSEs ), and/or non-profit organizations involved in the various economic
Kaynak: List of entities involved in 2007–2008 financial crises
continents begin to investigate and trace the movement of the money, there was speculation that organised crime was involved in the missing millions.
Kaynak: List of people involved in the Olympus scandal
Below is a list of people involved in coronations of the British monarch: Standard Bearers Australia : 1911: Henry Northcote, 1st Baron
Kaynak: List of people involved in coronations of the British monarch
The following is a list of forces involved in the Battle of Amiens of World War I fought from August 8 to August 11, 1918. Allies
Kaynak: List of forces involved in the Battle of Amiens

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