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involvement ne demek?

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"involvement" için örnek kullanımlar

This is largely about putting KO over and teasing Regal's involvement with him.
Bu büyük ölçüde üzerinde KO koyarak ve onunla Regal katılımı alay ilgili.
Kaynak: cagesideseats.com
Jones denied involvement, though Kobe dropped a very characteristic line about revenge.
Kobe intikam hakkında bir çok karakteristik hat düştü olsa Jones ilgisi olduğunu reddetti.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
Oscar's involvement with Project Censored was inspired by a family trip to Denia, Spain.
Sansür Projesi ile Oscar katılımı Denia, İspanya için bir aile gezisi esinlenilmiştir.
Kaynak: pressdemocrat.com
The silver price is done the same way but with only the involvement of the latter three banks.
Gümüş fiyatı aynı şekilde yapılır ama son üç bankanın yalnızca katılımı ile.
Kaynak: mining.com
Benazir Bhutto had successfully eliminated any possibilities of Khan's involvement or any influence in science research programmes, a
Kaynak: Benazir Bhutto
Spain's involvement in the American Revolutionary War was widely regarded as a successful one. The Spanish took a gamble in entering the
Kaynak: Spain in the American Revolutionary War
When the Soviet Union attacked Finland in November 1939, many Swedes favored some sort of involvement in the conflict, both on a
Kaynak: Sweden during World War II
Canadians involvement in Afghanistan dates back to the 1960s, with the creation of the first Canadian development assistance program to
Kaynak: Afghanistan–Canada relations
The involvement of men from the Australian colonies in the Second Boer War was complex. They included the official contingents dispatched
Kaynak: Military history of Australia during the Second Boer War
The movement against the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War began in the U.S. with demonstrations in 1964 and grew in
Kaynak: Opposition to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War
Parental consent laws (also known as parental involvement or parental notification laws) in some countries require that one or more parent
Kaynak: Parental consent
Private sector involvement (PSI) refers to the participation of the private sector in projects of the government . It has come mostly to
Kaynak: Private sector involvement
involvement of the Soviet 14th Guards Army in the War of Transnistria was extensive and contributed to the outcome, which left the
Kaynak: 14th Army involvement in Transnistria
The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Optional protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict to the Convention on
Kaynak: Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict
Catholic clergy involvement with the Ustaše covers the role of the Croatian Catholic Church in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a
Kaynak: Catholic clergy involvement with the Ustaše
The United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution was varied. The United States relationship with Mexico has often been turbulent
Kaynak: United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution

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