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irredeemable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irredeemable anlamı
1) çaresiz
2) karşılanamaz
3) telâfi edilemez
4) bozdurulamaz
5) düzeltilemez

"irredeemable" için örnek kullanımlar

Wheloon is a prison city full of irredeemable criminals and traitors to the Crown.
Wheloon Crown telâfisi suçluları ve hainler dolu bir hapishane şehir.
Kaynak: gamershell.com
Rachel Weisz, who plays the irredeemable fiend, should be the person to disentangle this for us.
Telâfisi fiend oynar Rachel Weisz, bizim için bu soyutlanarak için kişi olmalıdır.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
That's not to say the film's irredeemable.
Bu filmin telâfisi demek değil.
Kaynak: timeoutchicagokids.com
The party challenged the current monetary system and promoted solutions to what it called "irredeemable debt It aimed to establish a
Kaynak: Direct Democracy Party of New Zealand
"that irredeemable horror However, the new building was not favourably received architecturally either, due to its scale and massing with
Kaynak: 102 Petty France
another version of Platonism, one according to which deviation from the literal word of the master means irredeemable heretical opposition.
Kaynak: Atticus (philosopher)
and objectively was scientifically irredeemable, but Lomborg himself could not be subjectively convicted of intentional or gross
Kaynak: Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty
The lyrics form an argument against the concept of redemption; holding that humanity is irredeemable, and instead invoking plerosis , a
Kaynak: Kénôse
Gipe derives his paintings from an “irredeemable” image pool of ideological photographs. Since the 1980s, every work has come from an
Kaynak: Lawrence Gipe

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