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irredentism ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irredentism anlamı
1) irredantizm
2) ülkenin kaybettiği toprakları geri isteme

"irredentism" için örnek kullanımlar

Italian irredentism (irredentismo italiano) was an Italian irredentist movement that (in the late 19th century and early 20th century)
Kaynak: Italian irredentism
The whole establishment of Italy originally, however, itself involved much irredentism, as it unified areas belonging to various states
Kaynak: List of irredentist claims or disputes
Yugoslav irredentism refers to an irredentism that promotes a Yugoslavia that has united all South Slav -populated territories within it
Kaynak: Yugoslav irredentism
Argentine irredentism refers to the idea of Argentina's sovereignty over the British Overseas Territories of the Falkland Islands , South
Kaynak: Argentine irredentism
Spanish irredentism refers to a concept of Spain according to its present-day boundaries, incorporating territories claimed to be Spanish
Kaynak: Spanish irredentism
Italian irredentism in Corsica is a cultural and historical movement promoted by Corsicans who identify themselves as Italians and who
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Corsica
Italian irredentism in Nice was the political movement supporting the annexation of Nice to the Kingdom of Italy . The term was coined by
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Nice
Italian irredentism in Malta refers to past support in Malta for Italian territorial claims on the islands. It is therefore not be
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Malta
Italian irredentism in Savoy was the political movement among Savoyards promoting annexation to the Savoy dynasty's Kingdom of Italy .
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Savoy
Italian irredentism in Dalmatia was the political movement supporting the unification to Italy , during the 19th and 20th centuries, of
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Dalmatia
Italian irredentism in Istria was the political movement supporting the unification to Italy , during the 19th and 20th centuries, of the
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Istria
Italian irredentism in Switzerland was a political movement that promoted the unification to Italy of the Italian-speaking areas of
Kaynak: Italian irredentism in Switzerland
It expresses itself in the form of linguistic purism ("Pure Tamil "), of nationalism and irredentism ("Dravida Nadu "), and of Anti-
Kaynak: Tamil nationalism
The issue of irredentism and nationalism gained greater prominence after the creation of modern Bulgaria following the 1878 Treaty of San
Kaynak: Greater Bulgaria

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