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irresponsibility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irresponsibility anlamı
1) sorumsuzluk

"irresponsibility" için örnek kullanımlar

The Italian election result is a triumph for fantasy and irresponsibility.
İtalyan seçim sonucu fantezi ve sorumsuzluk bir zaferidir.
Kaynak: brookings.edu
The fiscal irresponsibility of legislators adds another layer of risk.
Yasa koyucuların mali sorumsuzluk riski başka bir katman ekler.
Kaynak: seattletimes.com
There is collective disorganisation, a collective irresponsibility.
Kolektif örgütsüzlük, kolektif bir sorumsuzluk vardır.
Kaynak: oxfordmail.co.uk
I understand the charges that folks have made against the film of irresponsibility.
Ben millet sorumsuzluk filmin aleyhine yapmış olduğu masraflar anlıyorum.
Kaynak: policymic.com
charm , manipulativeness , irresponsibility , impulsivity , criminality , antisocial behavior , a lack of remorse , and a parasitic lifestyle.
Kaynak: Psychopathy
characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty , honesty , vanity , compassion , credulity , irresponsibility , naïveté , or greed .
Kaynak: Confidence trick
It satirizes the legal system , capitalism , social irresponsibility, populism , bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, and municipal
Kaynak: Urinetown
The character's comedic value relies heavily on his incompetence and irresponsibility as a police officer, and his laziness and gluttony.
Kaynak: Chief Wiggum
Meanwhile, Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan ) continues to drive Liz Lemon (Tina Fey ) crazy with his irresponsibility. However, when a
Kaynak: Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning
They can be exacerbated by the inexperience or irresponsibility of the user or the lack of proper preparation and environment for the trip
Kaynak: Bad trip
date January 2010 The controversy surrounding Uno's extramarital affair was more focused on irresponsibility rather than immorality; Uno
Kaynak: Sōsuke Uno
military opportunism, cult of political promiscuousness and irresponsibility, demagogy and ideological diversion, dirty tactics and perfidy...
Kaynak: Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public
(literally "Hanako tribe"), the original readership were called the Hanako generation and their perceived irresponsibility is called Hanako syndrome.
Kaynak: Hanako (magazine)
"But their irresponsibility, the inexcusable naivete, even their cynicism, frequently aroused more fury and outrage in me than did the
Kaynak: François Bizot
largely due to a diverse number of environmental issues, including deforestation , energy irresponsibility, pollution , and nuclear waste
Kaynak: Environmental issues in Russia
He "presents a nightmarish vision of ideological extremism, catastrophic fiscal irresponsibility, rampant greed, and dangerous
Kaynak: American Theocracy
He drew severe criticism from traditional historical accounts for his frivolousness, fiscal irresponsibility, and attacks against other
Kaynak: Pei Yanling
Larry Taylor allegedly began to tire of Don's constant lateness and irresponsibility and decided to continue his career with John Mayall .
Kaynak: Pure Food and Drug Act (band)

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