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irresponsive ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irresponsive anlamı
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"irresponsive" için örnek kullanımlar

permanent irresponsiveness which is associated with death—they all are responsive or irresponsive under the same conditions and in the same manner.
Kaynak: Jagadish Chandra Bose
Facing this creative task, appeals of foreign parties to formal democracy remain naive, light-minded and irresponsive: ru | Перед лицом
Kaynak: Ivan Ilyin
environment, some may be irresponsive to audience's reactions while others actively respond to audience reactions in order to elicit positive results.
Kaynak: Impression management
that is certain cells that are irresponsive to LIF would respond to OSM This data hinted to the existence of an additional ligand specific
Kaynak: Oncostatin M
If Byron possessed more than a superficial knowledge of the legendary "Don Juan," he was irresponsive and unimpressed. He speaks (letter
Kaynak: Don Juan (Byron)
But the 3rd Department agents suspected in it political subversion, Gedeonov proved to be irresponsive to his pleas concerning financial
Kaynak: Alexander Ostrovsky

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