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irretrievable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irretrievable anlamı
1) onarılamaz
2) telafi edilemez
3) karşılanamaz
4) tekrar bulunmaz

"irretrievable" için örnek kullanımlar

When that happens, the lost confidence of a dressing room is more often than not irretrievable.
Bu olduğu zaman, bir giyinme odası ve kayıp güvenini daha sık onarılamaz değildir fazladır.
Kaynak: radiotimes.com
In some cases, such losses may be irretrievable.
Bazı durumlarda, bu kayıpların telafi edilemez olabilir.
Kaynak: dailypioneer.com
Notre Dame's loss of former standout receiver Michael Floyd was, at one time, thought to be irretrievable.
Eski standout alıcısı Michael Floyd Notre Dame kaybı, bir anda, onarılamaz olduğu düşünülüyordu.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Even Janet Jackson's appearance in the last couple seasons couldn't save it from being an irretrievable mess.
Hatta son birkaç sezonda Janet Jackson görünümünü bir onarılamaz karmaşa olmaktan kurtaramadı.
Kaynak: tampabay.com
Some states use the terms irremediable breakdown, irretrievable breakdown, or incompatibility. However, in some states the official ground
Kaynak: Irreconcilable differences
Act 2006, which provides two legal grounds for divorce : the, "irretrievable breakdown of the marriage" or where one party has undergone
Kaynak: Scots family law
grounds be met A no fault divorce can be granted on grounds such as irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, irreconcilable differences,
Kaynak: Grounds for divorce (United States)
The upfront irretrievable payment for the installation should not be deemed a "fixed" cost, with its cost spread out over time.
Kaynak: Sunk costs
The law provides for no-fault divorce based on the irretrievable breakdown of the marital relationship. may prove irretrievable breakdown.
Kaynak: Divorce law around the world
rallying-point and as the palladium of the city's honour; its capture by the enemy was regarded as an irretrievable defeat and humiliation.
Kaynak: Carroccio
The demolition is seen by many as an irretrievable detriment to the cultural heritage of Hong Kong. All interests of this street are now
Kaynak: Lee Tung Street
Although all the user's data would still be on the hard disk, it would be irretrievable for the average user. On hard disks, the virus moves
Kaynak: Michelangelo (computer virus)
Also their low mass lets them be carried by the wind, making them potentially irretrievable. Other uses: Air flow balls can also be used in
Kaynak: Air flow ball
His desolate Widow, sadly bewailing her irretrievable loss, and striving to alleviate her grief with the memory of his worth, Erected this
Kaynak: Henry Harrison (Philadelphia mayor)

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