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jelly ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

jelly anlamı
1) jöle
2) pelte
3) dinamit
1) pelteleşmek
2) jöle olmak

"jelly" için örnek kullanımlar

For example, if I said, 'Peanut butter and …,' you might say, 'Jelly.'
Dediğim Örneğin, 'Fıstık ezmesi ve ...,' Eğer 'Jelly.' Diyebilirsiniz
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Products mentioned in the report: organic honey, bee wax, bee pollen, propolis, honey syrup and royal jelly.
Raporda belirtilen Ürünler: organik bal, arı balmumu, arı polen, propolis, bal şurubu ve arı sütü.
Kaynak: prweb.com
Getting an almond butter and jelly sandwich when you're expecting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is like getting a boob massage from your uncle when you were expecting a PB&J.
Bir fıstık ezmesi ve jöle sandviç bekliyorsanız zaman bir badem ezmesi ve jöle sandviç Başlarken bir PB & J. bekliyorduk zaman amcam bir boob massage almak gibidir
Kaynak: blogs.dallasobserver.com
Depending on the concentration, the resulting stock (when cooled) will naturally form a jelly or gel. This process is used for aspic .
Kaynak: Gelatin
A gelatin shot (usually called a Jell-O shot in North America and vodka jelly or jelly shot in the UK and Australia) is a shooter in which
Kaynak: Gelatin dessert
A meat jelly that includes cream is called a chaud-froid. Nearly any type of meat can be used to make the gelatin: pork , beef , veal ,
Kaynak: Aspic
It was popularized in the Victorian era with spectacular and complex "jelly moulds". Gelatin was sold in sheets and had to be purified,
Kaynak: Jell-O
In Anglophone North America, the most common term for the jam- or jelly-filled pastry is "jelly doughnut". since the jam or jelly used is
Kaynak: Berliner (doughnut)
The Jelly Belly Candy Company, or simply Jelly Belly, formerly known as The Herman Goelitz Candy Company, makes the Jelly Belly jelly
Kaynak: Jelly Belly
Petroleum jelly, petrolatum, white petrolatum, soft paraffin or multi-hydrocarbon, CAS number 8009-03-8, is a semi-solid mixture of
Kaynak: Petroleum jelly
Grass jelly, or leaf jelly, is a jelly-like dessert found in China , Hong Kong , Macau , Southeast Asia and Taiwan . It is sold in
Kaynak: Grass jelly

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