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jellyfish ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

jellyfish anlamı
1) denizanası
2) pısırık
3) muhallebi çocuğu

"jellyfish" için örnek kullanımlar

I love going to aquariums to see sharks, jellyfish, and stingrays.
Ben köpekbalıkları, denizanası ve vatozlar görmek için akvaryumlar olacak seviyorum.
Kaynak: padgadget.com
The group invites the public to help building a sea lion pup, a jellyfish and a coral
Grup kamu yavru bir deniz aslanı, bir denizanası ve mercan kurulmasına yardımcı davet
Kaynak: theworldlink.com
The movie tells the story of a girl who survives a brainwashing from a jellyfish queen.
Film bir denizanası kraliçe bir beyin yıkama hayatta bir kızın öyküsünü anlatıyor.
Kaynak: isportstimes.com
Stinging jellyfish called seanettles are thought to breed on plastic docks in Barnegat Bay.
Seanettles denir Isırgan denizanası Barnegat Bay plastik rıhtım üzerinde ürediği düşünülmektedir.
Kaynak: courierpostonline.com
although usually classified as jellyfish, are stalked, sessile animals that live in cool to Arctic waters Cnidarians range in size from
Kaynak: Cnidaria
Scyphozoa is a class within the phylum Cnidaria sometimes referred to as the "true jellyfish ". The class name Scyphozoa comes from the
Kaynak: Scyphozoa
Jellyfish dermatitis is a cutaneous condition caused by stings from a jellyfish 430 | date May 2009 See also : List of cutaneous conditions
Kaynak: Jellyfish dermatitis
Jellyfish Warrior (voiced by Richard Cansino ) - A jellyfish monster created by Finster. He can teleport and emit venom that can eat
Kaynak: Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Chrysaora quinquecirrha (known as the Atlantic sea nettle or East Coast sea nettle) is a widely distributed species of jellyfish that
Kaynak: Chrysaora quinquecirrha
on a wide variety of zooplankton , crustaceans , salps , pelagic snails , small fish as well as their eggs and larvae, and other jellyfish .
Kaynak: Chrysaora fuscescens
Box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) are cnidaria n invertebrates distinguished by their cube -shaped medusae . Chironex fleckeri , Carukia
Kaynak: Box jellyfish
The lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) is the largest known species of jellyfish . Its range is confined to cold, boreal waters of
Kaynak: Lion's mane jellyfish
Irukandji jellyfish. (icon | ˌ | ɪr | ə | ˈ | k | æ | n | dʒ | i IRR | ə | KAN | jee are tiny and extremely venom ous jellyfish that inhabit
Kaynak: Irukandji jellyfish
is a very large jellyfish , in the same size class as the lion's mane jellyfish , the largest cnidarian in the world. The diameter when
Kaynak: Nomura's jellyfish
The cannonball jellyfish (Stomolophus meleagris), also known as the cabbage head jellyfish, is a species of jellyfish in the family
Kaynak: Cannonball jellyfish
Cyanea lamarckii, also known as the Blue jellyfish or Bluefire jellyfish, is a species of jellyfish in the family Cyaneidae .
Kaynak: Blue jellyfish
Crown jellyfishes are the six families of true jellyfish that belong to the order Coronatae They are distinguished from other jellyfish
Kaynak: Crown jellyfish
While each character has her own particular fixation, the protagonist is Tsukimi Kurashita, whose love of jellyfish stems from memories of
Kaynak: Princess Jellyfish

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