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jib ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

jib anlamı
1) istememek
2) direnmek
3) ayak diremek
4) inatla geri geri gitmek
1) vinç kolu
2) flok yelkeni

"jib" için örnek kullanımlar

The jib lowers or raises without crossing the property line, he explained.
Flok mülkiyet hattı geçmeden düşürür veya yükseltir, diye açıkladı.
Kaynak: annarborchronicle.com
We were enamored of the cut of one another's jib, and we remained friends and stayed in touch.
Biz birbirlerinin flok kesim aşık ve biz arkadaş kaldık ve dokunmatik kaldı.
Kaynak: articles.chicagotribune.com
The current record, set in 2007, saw 10,036 people doing the jib at the Dublin Irish Festival in Ohio, USA.
2007 yılında belirlenen geçerli kayıt, 10.036 kişi Ohio, ABD'de Dublin İrlanda Festivali'nde jib yaparken gördüm.
Kaynak: suttonguardian.co.uk
I like the cut of his jib.
Onun dış görünüşü gibi.
Kaynak: esquire.com
A jib is a triangular staysail that sets ahead of the foremast of a sailing vessel . Its tack is fixed to the bowsprit , to the bow ,
Kaynak: Jib
The "hammerhead", or giant cantilever , crane is a fixed- jib crane consisting of a steel-braced tower on which revolves a large,
Kaynak: Crane (machine)
In cinematography , a jib is a boom device with a camera on one end, and a counterweight and camera controls on the other It operates
Kaynak: Jib (camera)
1997 | ethnicity | familycolor Niger-Congo | fam2 Atlantic–Congo | fam3 Benue–Congo | fam4 Jukunoid | fam5 Central | fam6 Jukun | iso3 jib
Kaynak: Jibu language
The genoa or jenny was originally referred to as the 'overlapping jib' or the Genoa jib, being named after the city of Genoa as explained
Kaynak: Genoa (sail)
A level-luffing crane is a crane mechanism where the hook remains at the same level whilst luff ing; moving the jib up and down, so as to
Kaynak: Level luffing crane
The jib sheet attaches to the clew of the jib , and controls it. The jib has a sheet on each side, only one of which (the leeward one)
Kaynak: Sheet (sailing)
If the spinnaker is mounted to a special bowsprit, it is often possible to fly the spinnaker and the jib at the same time; if not, then
Kaynak: Spinnaker
In filmmaking and video production , a crane shot is a shot taken by a camera on a crane or jib . The most obvious uses are to view the
Kaynak: Crane shot
It is a type of jib that is large enough to overlap the mainsail, and cut so that it is fuller than an ordinary jib producing a greater
Kaynak: Sail

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