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Jidda ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

Jidda anlamı

"Jidda" için örnek kullanımlar

the Saudi Arabia n city | the Australian movie | Jedda | the Bahraini island | Jidda Island | the steamship | SS Jeddah date February 2013
Kaynak: Jeddah
Jidda Island (جزيرة جدة) is an uninhabited islet in Bahrain . It lies to the west of Bahrain Island and just north of Umm an Nasan in
Kaynak: Jidda Island
It lies off the north western corner of Bahrain Island , near Budaiya village, and east of Jidda Island , located in Persian Gulf .
Kaynak: Umm as Sabaan
Fish made one trip down to Jidda in 1940 to meet the King and present his credentials, but it was not until after his mission was
Kaynak: United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
The temples were built of limestone blocks, believed to have been carved out from Jidda Island . pushpin_map Bahrain - | pushpin_label_
Kaynak: Barbar Temple
Seventeen of his years in captivity were spent at the Jidda Island prison, four of those years in solitary confinement . He claims to have
Kaynak: Majeed Marhoon
which he afterwards described in Meine Wallfahrt nach Mecca (Leipzig , 1865), but had to flee for his life to Jidda without visiting Medina .
Kaynak: Heinrich von Maltzan, Baron zu Wartenburg und Penzlin
In November they set off again along the coasts of the Red Sea, calling at various ports including Jidda . They eventually arrived in the
Kaynak: Wilhelm Hemprich
From Egypt he went by sea to Jidda and reached Mecca as a pilgrim in October 1809. After his pilgrim he converted to Islam and changed his
Kaynak: Ulrich Jasper Seetzen
The Sirens have released several full-length albums , including Take '92, Enchanting You, Hypnotic, Jidda Lidda What?, and the much-
Kaynak: Simmons Sirens
Upon arrival at Great Bitter Lake, Murphy was detached and ordered to Jidda , Arabia, to transport King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and his
Kaynak: USS Murphy (DD-603)
That February he took a steamer down the Red Sea to Jidda , Saudi Arabia , where he gave a silver-framed photograph of Roosevelt to King
Kaynak: Bert Fish
He then did political reporting in Jidda , Damascus , and Aden before being assigned as Ambassador to Oman , Qatar , and Bahrain in 1972
Kaynak: William Stoltzfus
The expedition, under Amir Husain Al-Kurdi , left Suez in November and travelled by sea to Jidda, where they fortified the city.
Kaynak: Portuguese–Mamluk naval war
French and British naval forces had cleared the Red Sea of Ottoman gunboats early in the war The port of Jidda was attacked by 3500
Kaynak: Arab Revolt
Settlements in the Northern Governorate: Jidda Island Northern City (under construction as of June 2008) | col2 Saar Al Markh Janabiya
Kaynak: Northern Governorate
first ambassadorship , as UK ambassador to Saudi Arabia in 1955; yet within months he caught tuberculosis in Jidda , and was forced to return.
Kaynak: Harold Beeley

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