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landlord ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

landlord anlamı
1) evsahibi
2) mülk sahibi
3) kiraya veren
4) arazi sahibi

"landlord" için örnek kullanımlar

Police said the man's landlord reported him missing earlier this month.
Polis adamın ev sahibi ona bu ayın başlarında eksik bildirilen dedi.
Kaynak: bendbulletin.com
Forest City is now the biggest downtown Dallas apartment landlord.
Forest City şimdi en büyük şehir Dallas daire ev sahibiniz.
Kaynak: dallasnews.com
A landlord does not have the right to use this money to cover anything but rent.
Bir ev sahibi bir şey ama kira karşılamak için bu parayı kullanma hakkına sahip değildir.
Kaynak: thestar.co.uk
We bring in businesses and the developer, landlord or contractor.
Biz işletmeler ve geliştirici, ev sahibine veya yüklenici getirmek.
Kaynak: hometownlife.com
A landlord is the owner of a house , apartment , condominium , land or real estate which is rent ed or lease d to an individual or
Kaynak: Landlord
By the time of the Renaissance , the word "publican" meant a tavern keeper (the licensed landlord of a public house ), and by extension a
Kaynak: Publican
Absentee landlord is an economic term for a person who owns and rent s out a profit -earning property , but does not live within the
Kaynak: Absentee landlord
Landlord harassment is the willing creation, by a landlord or his agents, of conditions that are uncomfortable for one or more tenants in
Kaynak: Landlord harassment
The Landlord is a 1970 film directed by Hal Ashby , which was based on the novel by Kristin Hunter . man who becomes landlord of an inner
Kaynak: The Landlord
right to hold land or property in which a lessee or a tenant holds rights of real property by some form of title from a lessor or landlord .
Kaynak: Leasehold estate
Landlord's lien is or was a lien at common law which a landlord would acquire over the personal property of a tenant to secure the
Kaynak: Landlord's lien
A slumlord (also spelled slum lord) is a derogatory term for landlord s, generally absentee landlord s with more than one property, who
Kaynak: Slumlord

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