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landmass ne demek?

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landmass anlamı

"landmass" için örnek kullanımlar

It was once part of a the same landmass that is now India and Madagascar.
O zamanlar şimdi Hindistan ve Madagaskar olan aynı kara parçası oldu.
Kaynak: catholic.org
The first ancient landmass that comes to mind is the lost city of Atlantis.
Akla gelen ilk antik kara Atlantis kayıp şehir.
Kaynak: kpopstarz.com
The transfer is brief: the entire landmass being just 21 square miles.
Transferi kısadır: Tüm kara sadece 21 mil kare olmak.
Kaynak: australiantimes.co.uk
Development on the unpopulated Atlantic Ocean landmass began in 2001 just as th
Doldurulmamış Atlantik Okyanusu engebeleri üzerinde Geliştirme sadece inci olarak 2001 yılında başladı
Kaynak: bloomberg.com
A landmass is a contiguous area of land surrounded by ocean . Although it may be most often written as one word to distinguish it from
Kaynak: Landmass
A continent is one of several very large landmass es on Earth . They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict
Kaynak: Continent
the continent Due to the spread of animals, fungi and plants across the single Pleistocene landmass the separate lands have a related biota .
Kaynak: Australia (continent)
Eurasia is the combined continent al landmass of Europe and Asia with the term being a portmanteau of its two constituents.
Kaynak: Eurasia
The Eurasian Plate is a tectonic plate which includes most of the continent of Eurasia (a landmass consisting of the traditional
Kaynak: Eurasian Plate
Some places may even retain "island" in their names for historical reasons after being connected to a larger landmass by a wide land
Kaynak: Island
of the Earth's continent al blocks or cratons to form a single large landmass However, the definition of a supercontinent can be ambiguous.
Kaynak: Supercontinent
Mainland is a name given to a large landmass in a region (as contrasted with a nearby island or islands), or to the largest of a group of
Kaynak: Mainland
A subcontinent is a large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent . By dictionary entries, the term
Kaynak: Subcontinent
China stretches some 5026 | km across the East Asia n landmass. China is bordered by seas and waters eastward, with the East China Sea ,
Kaynak: Geography of China
Afro-Eurasia also Afrasia Eurafrasia or Eufrasia is the largest landmass on Earth . It may be defined as a supercontinent , with the term
Kaynak: Afro-Eurasia
A river island or river archipelago is any landmass or fluvial landform within a river . Regional variations: The term "towhead" implies a
Kaynak: River island
Doggerland is a name given by archaeologists and geologists to a former landmass in the southern North Sea that connected the island of
Kaynak: Doggerland
The coastline paradox is the counterintuitive observation that the coastline of a landmass does not have a well-defined length.
Kaynak: Coastline paradox
The Americas , a landmass comprising North and South America. The United States of America , a country in North America. America may also refer
Kaynak: America
The history of Madagascar is distinguished by the early isolation of the landmass from the ancient supercontinent s containing Africa and
Kaynak: History of Madagascar
North Shore can either be the north shore of a landmass (and the south shore of a body of water), or the north shore of a body of water (and
Kaynak: North Shore

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