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largess ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

largess anlamı
1) bağış
2) bağışlama
3) cömertlik
4) büyük hediye

"largess" için örnek kullanımlar

That's not to say that the Fed's largess is the only reason stocks are up.
Bu Fed bağışlama stokları kadar olan tek nedeni olduğunu söylemek değil.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
USA Football is partnered with the NFL and benefits from its largess.
ABD Futbol NFL ve bağışlama faydaları ile ortak olduğunu.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
It is possible Thai infrastructure largess could be a boon for THD.
Bu Tay altyapı bağışlama THD için bir nimet olabilir mümkündür.
Kaynak: benzinga.com
The recipient of the largess might save some, but will spend most.
Bağışlama ve alıcı bazı tasarruf olabilir, ancak çoğu geçireceksiniz.
Kaynak: wallstreetpit.com
He was so tolerant towards Shi'a community that when a heavy largess was sent to them by the prince of Tabaristan , he was not displeased
Kaynak: Al-Mu'tadid
The Rams' display of cogent offensive bandwidth during these three seasons produced a largess of scoring, accrued yardage, three NFL MVP
Kaynak: The Greatest Show on Turf
To avenge his father's death, he insulted the Sultan Mas'ud 's envoy who came to demand a heavy largess, incited the mob to plunder his
Kaynak: Al-Rashid (12th century)
The rationibus was rendered unnecessary by the comes sacrarum largitionum (master of the sacred largess) of the 4th century AD.
Kaynak: Rationibus
Bureau largess, bureaucracy , and counter-productive competition can be seen to contribute to the failed implementation of a superior
Kaynak: Virtual Case File
motivated solely by an interest in the welfare of the recipients of their largess, "warm-glow givers" also receive utility from the act of giving.
Kaynak: Warm-glow giving
prominent name in the international weapons industry during the 1970s and the 1980s He is renowned for his largess and his philanthropic activities
Kaynak: Moosa Bin Shamsher
These films were the product of the informal largess of the University of Missouri - St. Louis . During this period Gounis also began to
Kaynak: Philip Gounis
take counsel on the affairs of State; the last to distribute largess among the needy, or to interpose to temper the severity of cruel officers.
Kaynak: Ar-Radi
Wibod was also a recipient of Charles' largess. Charles granted Wibod land around Susinate and Vigonzone These lands probably served as
Kaynak: Wibod
told the National Assembly that the main beneficiary of his largess was former army chief General Mirza Aslam Beg who received Rs140 million
Kaynak: Mehran Bank scandal
dollars in "petro-Islam" largess obtained from the recently heightened price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith
Kaynak: Saudi Arabia and state sponsored terrorism
com/news/state_news/x799538727/Therese-Murray-leads-in-lobbyist-largess Therese Murray Leads in Lobbyist Largess, Patriot Ledger, January 2
Kaynak: Therese Murray

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