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largish ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

largish anlamı
1) büyükçe
2) irice

"largish" için örnek kullanımlar

A bookshelf, a largish LCD screen, a sofa set, a dated India Today and paintings on the walls.
Bir kitaplık, büyücek bir LCD ekran, bir koltuk takımı, bir tarihli Hindistan duvarlarda Bugün ve tablolar.
Kaynak: deccanherald.com
The Lightning connector and charger for an iPhone or iPad should be small enough to fit a largish watch.
IPhone veya iPad için Yıldırım konnektör ve şarj büyücek izle sığacak kadar küçük olmalıdır.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
However, there are two largish problems.
Bununla birlikte, iki irice problemler vardır.
Kaynak: efinancialnews.com
One final piece is the power plug, a largish wall wart that takes a cue from Apple by including a removable section.
Bir son parça elektrik fişi, çıkarılabilir bir bölüm ekleyerek Apple bir işaret alır büyücek bir duvar siğil olduğunu.
Kaynak: engadget.com
The European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) is a largish plover . This species is similar to two other golden plovers. American
Kaynak: European Golden Plover
The Ruddy Pigeon (Patagioenas subvinacea) is a largish pigeon which breeds from Costa Rica south to western Ecuador , Bolivia , and
Kaynak: Ruddy Pigeon
The Short-billed Pigeon (Patagioenas nigrirostris is a largish pigeon which breeds from southern Mexico south to northwestern Colombia .
Kaynak: Short-billed Pigeon
The adult twin-lobed deerfly, Chrysops relictus, is a largish Europe an fly of about 8 | 10.5 | mm length, The larva e feed upon organic
Kaynak: Chrysops relictus
These true frog s are usually largish species characterized by their slim waists and wrinkled skin; many have thin ridges running along
Kaynak: Rana (genus)
This is a largish warbler. The adult has an unstreaked grey-brown back, whitish grey underparts, and a darker undertail, which has white
Kaynak: River Warbler
The Spur-winged Lapwing or Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus spinosus) is a lapwing species , one of a group of largish wader s in the family
Kaynak: Spur-winged Lapwing
Red-eyed Dove is a largish, stocky pigeon, typically 34 cm in length. Its back, wings and tail are pale brown. When flying, it shows
Kaynak: Red-eyed Dove
Grey-headed Fish Eagle is a largish stocky raptor at about 70–75 cm in length. Adults have dark brown wings and back, a grey head and
Kaynak: Grey-headed Fish Eagle
The African Wattled Lapwing or Senegal Wattled Plover (Vanellus senegallus) is a large lapwing , a group of largish wader s in the family
Kaynak: African Wattled Lapwing
These are medium-sized to largish, robustly-built and powerful owls. They do not have ear tufts and most are highly nocturnal woodland
Kaynak: Strix (genus)
The Black-headed Plover or Black-headed Lapwing (Vanellus tectus) is a large lapwing , a group of largish wader s in the family
Kaynak: Black-headed Lapwing
Many other suffixes like -otti ("largish") and -acci ("rough", "badly made") may occur, too. In Italian, all pasta type names are plural.
Kaynak: List of pasta
This largish black bird is found at lake s, in marsh es, in riverbeds and on irrigated farmland—it is not as aquatic as many other
Kaynak: Red-naped Ibis
In the early 1950s, remaining farmers with largish holdings (60 to 80 ha) were effectively driven out of business through means such as
Kaynak: Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft
The Lesser Yellownape is a largish species at 27 cm in length. It has a typical woodpecker shape. The upperparts are green apart from the
Kaynak: Lesser Yellownape
They are largish moths (wingspan 25–33 mm) whose black forewings are dappled with (usually) 8 large and a few smaller white dots.
Kaynak: Euplocamus anthracinalis
Although the coloration of this group varies greatly, they are all largish butterflyfishes with an oval outline, and most have a pattern
Kaynak: Raccoon butterflyfish
This fish is of a relatively chunky body shape, with a largish head and large eyes, but a small mouth oriented downwards. Color is a
Kaynak: California roach
These largish birds have predominately brown plumage and have relatively small heads in comparison with body size; they also bear a
Kaynak: Penelope (genus)

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