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manfully ne demek?

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manfully anlamı
1) mertçe
2) yiğitçe
3) erkekçe

"manfully" için örnek kullanımlar

It leads to another Bayern corner which Arsenal deal with manfully again.
Bu, hangi Arsenal anlaşma mertçe yine bir başka Bayern köşe yol açar.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
Crockett made some very nice entry passes and Tolbert converted manfully.
Crockett bazı çok güzel girişi geçerse yapılan ve Tolbert mertçe dönüştürülür.
Kaynak: texastech.scout.com
Thereafter Burnley defended manfully while the Addicks huffed and puffed.
Addicks huffed ve şişirilmiş iken Bundan Burnley yiğitçe savundu.
Kaynak: voice-online.co.uk
Ryan also praised the players for coping manfully with the appalling surface.
Ryan da korkunç yüzeyi ile yiğitçe mücadele için oyuncu övdü.
Kaynak: independent.ie
The college motto is "Exspecta Dominum Viriliter Age", meaning "Expect the Lord and act manfully" in Latin . Administration : Proprietor:
Kaynak: St. Sebastian's College, Moratuwa
and part teacher struggling manfully to work with the children placed in his care It has since been cited by a number of academic journals
Kaynak: 36 Children
manfully attacked: townships in Saxony | Below follows a presentation of the England Runestones based on information collected from the
Kaynak: England runestones
sovereign and so helpful a friend to his uncle that by valor he supported the tottering honor of the realm, fighting manfully against its foes..."
Kaynak: Frederick II, Duke of Swabia
To this reproach—a reproach which came from a bad grace from the lover of Catharine Sedley—Herbert manfully replied:- "I have my faults,
Kaynak: Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of Torrington
Bolton suffering a serious achilles injury early in the year, he and Grundy stepped up manfully to take on the brunt of the defensive work.
Kaynak: Lewis Roberts-Thomson
Hrólfr put on his helmet and asked his housecarls to leave and then he manfully slew no less than twelve of Þórbergr's champions before
Kaynak: Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar
This third time though, he did not break, and was executed near Salisbury, "standing to it manfully, and inveighing much against his
Kaynak: John Hambley (martyr)
His life might yet have been spared had he not manfully refused to betray his confederates to a committee of the House of Commons of
Kaynak: John Friend (conspirator)
When these two bully champions they stripped in the ring,They faced each other manfully, and to work they did begin,From six till nine they
Kaynak: Donnelly and Cooper
She heard how the wicked might work out their salvation; became a shouting Christian, fought the devil as manfully as she fought the
Kaynak: Nancy Hart
The lion began to advance on Jahangir, but Anup Rai confronted the animal instead, armed with nothing but a stick He "manfully faced him
Kaynak: Anup Rai
it would be his portion not to fall manfully in the thick of the combat and the press of battle, but to die poisoned in the tent of Chryseis.
Kaynak: The Market Place
In the Insein Prison : And Maung Thaw Ka struggled manfully. But his already much-eroded physical system was unable to withstand the inhuman
Kaynak: Maung Thaw Ka
In the words of The Times "Sir Ernest Gowers and his colleagues struggled manfully with their difficulties, but Parliament had
Kaynak: Ernest Gowers
Nervously approaching the house, Emsworth is embarrassed by a carful of blondes, but carries on manfully. After a failed attempt to knock
Kaynak: Birth of a Salesman
He met with many rebuffs and suffered many reverses but always met them manfully and never bore malice". The China Mail observed that
Kaynak: John Joseph Francis

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