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manumission ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"manumission" için örnek kullanımlar

The Bodmin manumission s or Bodmin Gospel s is a manuscript containing writing in Latin , Saxon and Cornish which is thus of interest to
Kaynak: Bodmin manumissions
In Islamic law , a mukataba is a contract of manumission between a master and a slave according to which the slave is required to pay a
Kaynak: Mukataba
Historically, slaves became freedmen either by manumission (granted freedom by their owner) or emancipation (granted freedom as part of
Kaynak: Freedman
Jefferson freed two slaves of the Hemings family by manumission and allowed two of Sally Hemings 's children, widely believed by historians
Kaynak: Thomas Jefferson
later used to justify slavery by its defenders Abolitionists have also used text from the New Testament to argue for the manumission of slaves
Kaynak: The Bible and slavery
(a manumission However, historian Josephus wrote that the seven year automatic release was still in effect if the slavery was a punishment
Kaynak: Judaism and slavery
slaves as he believed this made slave uprisings more likely In the Virginia Assembly in 1769, he prevented a manumission law from being enacted.
Kaynak: Thomas Jefferson and slavery
one of the undisputed epistles describes lawfully obtained manumission as the ideal for slaves Another undisputed epistle is that to
Kaynak: Slavery and religion

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