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manure ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

manure anlamı
1) gübre
1) gübrelemek

"manure" için örnek kullanımlar

The company has planned a lagoon for the manure, a lagoon it could cover.
Şirket gübresi için bir lagün, bunu karşılamak olabilecek bir lagün planlamıştır.
Kaynak: wqow.com
Rotted manure or compost should be added to light soil to give it some substance.
Rotted gübre veya kompost bazı madde vermek için toprak ışığına ilave edilmelidir.
Kaynak: expressandstar.com
All the teams were sliding into a manure pond in New Zealand.
Tüm takımlar, Yeni Zelanda bir gübre birikintisi içine kayar edildi.
Kaynak: baltimoresun.com
One immediate consequence was that in 1842 he patented a manure formed by treating phosphates with sulphuric acid, and thus was the first
Kaynak: Fertilizer
The feces of animals are often used as fertilizer ; see manure and guano . Some animal feces, especially those of camel , bison and
Kaynak: Feces
In agriculture , green manure refers to crops which have already been uprooted (and have often already been stuffed under the soil The then
Kaynak: Green manure
A manure spreader or muck spreader or honey wagon is an agricultural machine used to distribute manure over a field as a fertilizer .
Kaynak: Manure spreader
Manure management refers to capture, storage, treatment, and utilization of animal manure s in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Kaynak: Manure management
Earthen manure storages are engineered structures used for the storage of liquid livestock manure . Generally these structure are
Kaynak: Earthen manure storage
Manure-derived synthetic crude oil is a synthetic crude oil chemically engineered (converted) from animal or human manure .
Kaynak: Manure-derived synthetic crude oil
Neem cake organic manure is the by-product obtained in the process of cold pressing of Neem tree fruits and kernels, and the solvent
Kaynak: Neem cake
Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate .
Kaynak: Phosphate rich organic manure
Manure and bedding: On many farms, the basic composting ingredients are manure generated on the farm and bedding. Straw and sawdust are
Kaynak: Compost
was present in the gases produced by cattle manure The first anaerobic digester was built by a leper colony in Bombay , India , in 1859.
Kaynak: Anaerobic digestion
Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation , green manure , compost and biological pest
Kaynak: Organic farming
and its formulation generally consists of a combination of wheat straw, dried blood, horse manure and ground chalk, composted together.
Kaynak: Spent mushroom compost
Cow dung, which is usually a pale red colour, (usually combined with soiled bedding and urine) is often used as manure (agricultural
Kaynak: Cow dung
However, manure also is a valuable source of nutrients and organic matter when used as a fertilizer Manure was used as a fertilizer on
Kaynak: Cattle
Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic fertilizers , manure , green manure , compost and mined minerals Crop nutrient use may also be
Kaynak: Agriculture

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