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matronly ne demek?

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"matronly" için örnek kullanımlar

The "Gossip Girl" actress belongs in the front pew of a wedding in this matronly dress.
"Gossip Girl" aktris bu ağırbaşlı elbise bir düğün önünde pew aittir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
She is often seen on the worst dressed lists due to her past array of matronly outfits.
O sık sık ağırbaşlı kıyafetler onu geçmiş dizi nedeniyle kötü giyimli listelerinde görülür.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Hilary Swank wore a matronly red dress at Vanity Fair.
Hilary Swank Vanity Fair bir ağırbaşlı kırmızı bir elbise giydi.
Kaynak: stylecaster.com
role: once Apollo and Artemis are grown, Leto withdraws, to remain a dim and benevolent matronly figure upon Olympus, her part already played.
Kaynak: Leto
television, often playing matronly characters Rea left UCLA to attend business school, landing a job as a production secretary at MGM in the 1940s.
Kaynak: Peggy Rea
Jessie Ralph (November 5, 1864 – May 30, 1944) was an American stage and screen actress, best known for her matronly roles in many classic
Kaynak: Jessie Ralph
The syrups come in distinctive bottles shaped in the form of a matronly female, Mrs. Butterworth. The packages, originally glass, are now
Kaynak: Mrs. Butterworth's
The amorous, larger than life Mrs Fox (Pamela Cundell) gives her matronly attentions freely to the platoon's men and she eventually
Kaynak: Mrs Fox
Mammy archetype , a stereotype of a black woman, depicted as rotund, homely, and matronly. Mammy's Boy, unfinished 1923 film with Al Jolson
Kaynak: Mammy
In 1914, she signed a contract with Balboa Films and played matronly roles in many of their films. She starred with William Garwood in
Kaynak: Mollie McConnell
In Titian's work, two nymph s, one young and one matronly, are situated to the right of the ceremony, attending to a shrine holding a
Kaynak: The Worship of Venus
Thus in 1861, Fanny, at age sixteen, became in a rather matronly manner her father's closest domestic companion. She devotedly accompanied
Kaynak: Frances Adeline "Fanny" Seward
Chachi Chatters usually consists of experiences, suggestions and matronly advice addressed to the target audience. The monthly column has
Kaynak: Chachi chatters
Kybele was portrayed in classical sculpture as a matronly woman with a turret-crown, enthroned and flanked by lions. S16.1 METER THEON
Kaynak: Ma (goddess)
Some gags featured "Aunt Tenna", a matronly woman with her hair done in the form of a TV antenna , who spent all her time watching
Kaynak: Channel Chuckles
in the image The model is likely a member of the middle class, given her relatively plain dress, matronly features and accentuated breasts.
Kaynak: Portrait of a Woman (van der Weyden)
The talented Doris Packer played his matronly mother, known as much for her distinct voice ("You nasty, nasty boy!") as for her
Kaynak: Chatsworth Osborne, Jr.
Nelly appears to have a matronly competence whilst Virginia does not seem to have a house-wifey bone in her body. Virginia decides to give
Kaynak: The Hours (novel)
Next to them stands a rather matronly woman in a long apron; she has no facial disguise and is possibly a member of the household staff
Kaynak: Winster Guisers
Taking the sign, he strolls in to find the proprietor of the shop, a matronly lady, busily invested in her work & inattentive of the young
Kaynak: Buddy of the Legion
We are told that his father is a man of great judgement, as is his mother a model of the matronly virtues. Heinrich's narration is
Kaynak: Der Nachsommer

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