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mean ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mean anlamı
1) ortalama
2) orta
3) ılımlılık
1) ortalama
2) orta
3) cimri
4) huysuz
5) aşağılık
6) zor
7) adi
8) orantılı
9) vasati
10) kılıksız
11) keyifsiz
12) utangaç
13) eli sıkı
14) hasis
15) ahlaksız
1) kastetmek
2) anlamına gelmek
3) ifade etmek
4) demek istemek
5) demek olmak
6) niyet etmek
7) demeye gelmek
8) tasarlamak

"mean" için örnek kullanımlar

But I mean 20?!!!," Rob Kardashian tweeted, according to The Insider.
Ama ben 20 demek?!, "Rob Kardashian Insider göre, tweeted.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.ca
What does that mean during the current Samsung lovefest in the media?
Bu medya mevcut Samsung lovefest sırasında ne anlama geliyor?
Kaynak: forbes.com
I thought a severe sprain would mean out a few weeks, not a few days.
Ben ciddi bir burkulma birkaç hafta değil, birkaç gün olduğunu sanırdım.
Kaynak: sports.yahoo.com
But the new research doesn't mean global warming directly caused those deaths.
Ama yeni bir araştırma küresel ısınmanın doğrudan bu ölümlerin neden anlamına gelmez.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
In statistics , mean has three related meanings. the arithmetic mean of a sample (distinguished from the geometric mean or harmonic mean
Kaynak: Mean
In mathematics and statistics , the arithmetic mean, or simply the mean or average when the context is clear, is the central tendency of a
Kaynak: Arithmetic mean
The weighted mean is similar to an arithmetic mean (the most common type of average ), where instead of each of the data points
Kaynak: Weighted mean
In mathematics, the geometric mean is a type of mean or average , which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of
Kaynak: Geometric mean
These include the arithmetic mean , the median , and the mode . Other statistics, such as the standard deviation and the range , are
Kaynak: Average
In probability theory , the expected value (or expectation, mathematical expectation, EV, mean, or the first moment) of a random variable
Kaynak: Expected value
In philosophy , especially that of Aristotle , the golden mean is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of
Kaynak: Golden mean (philosophy)
In mathematics , the mean curvature H of a surface S is an extrinsic measure of curvature that comes from differential geometry and that
Kaynak: Mean curvature
Convergence in the r-th mean, for r ≥ 1, implies convergence in probability (by Markov's inequality ), while if r s ≥ 1, convergence in
Kaynak: Convergence of random variables
Local mean time is a form of solar time that corrects the variations of local apparent time , forming a uniform time scale at a specific
Kaynak: Local mean time
Minimum mean square error estimation: Minimum mean square error. The most common risk function used for Bayesian estimation is the mean square
Kaynak: Bayes estimator
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a time system originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , London , which
Kaynak: Greenwich Mean Time
In mathematics , the harmonic mean (sometimes called the subcontrary mean) is one of several kinds of average . Typically, it is
Kaynak: Harmonic mean
In celestial mechanics , mean anomaly is a parameter relating position and time for a body moving in a Kepler orbit . It is based on the
Kaynak: Mean anomaly
In mathematics, a generalized mean, also known as power mean or Hölder mean (named after Otto Hölder ), is an abstraction of the
Kaynak: Generalized mean

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