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methane ne demek?

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methane anlamı
1) metan

"methane" için örnek kullanımlar

They also discovered, to their surprise, that it does not contain any methane.
Onlar da herhangi bir metan içermediğini, onların sürpriz, keşfetti.
Kaynak: cbc.ca
The process doesn't create any migration of the methane into the shallow areas.
Işlem sığ alanlara metan herhangi göç oluşturmaz.
Kaynak: phillytrib.com
But the researchers found no methane in the planet's atmosphere.
Fakat araştırmacılar gezegenin atmosferinde metan bulundu.
Kaynak: salon.com
Comets contain dust, and solid ices of water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane.
Kuyrukluyıldızlar toz ve su, karbon dioksit, amonyak ve metan katı buzlar içerir.
Kaynak: floridatoday.com
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane , with other hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide ,
Kaynak: Natural gas
Methane clathrate (CH 4•5.75H 2 O), also called methane hydrate, hydromethane, methane ice, fire ice, natural gas hydrate, or gas hydrate
Kaynak: Methane clathrate
Atmospheric methane levels are of interest due to its impact on climate change . Atmospheric methane is one of the most potent and
Kaynak: Atmospheric methane
Coalbed methane (CBM or Coal Bed Methane coalbed gas, or coal mine methane (CMM) is a form of natural gas extracted from coal beds In
Kaynak: Coalbed methane
make measurements that distinguish between different isotopologues of methane but even if the mission is to determine that microscopic
Kaynak: Mars
There has been renewed interest in its composition since the detection of traces of methane that may indicate life but may also be
Kaynak: Atmosphere of Mars
Methanogens are microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in anoxic conditions. They are classified as archaea , a
Kaynak: Methanogen
Arctic methane release is the release of methane from seas and soils in permafrost regions of the Arctic . While a long-term natural
Kaynak: Arctic methane release
Methane monooxygenase, or MMO, is an enzyme capable of oxidizing the C-H bond in methane as well as other alkane s. Methane monooxygenase
Kaynak: Methane monooxygenase
A methane chimney or gas chimney is a rising column of natural gas , mainly methane within a water or sediment column. frozen methane ,
Kaynak: Methane chimney
A methane reformer is a device based on steam reforming or autothermal reforming and is a type of chemical synthesis , which can produce
Kaynak: Methane reformer
Coal bed methane extraction (CBM extraction) is a method for extracting methane from a coal deposit. Basic principles: Methane absorbed
Kaynak: Coal bed methane extraction
(and/or falls in sea level) can trigger the sudden release of methane from methane clathrate compounds buried in seabed s and permafrost
Kaynak: Clathrate gun hypothesis
comprises primarily methane (CH | 4) and carbon dioxide () and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H | 2 | S), moisture and siloxanes .
Kaynak: Biogas
As one of the most significant natural sources of atmospheric methane , wetlands remain a major area of concern with respect to climate
Kaynak: Wetland methane emissions
A cold seep (sometimes called a cold vent) is an area of the ocean floor where hydrogen sulfide , methane and other hydrocarbon -rich
Kaynak: Cold seep
Methane monooxygenase (particulate) ( is an enzyme with system name methane,quinol:oxygen oxidoreductase This enzyme catalyses
Kaynak: Methane monooxygenase (particulate)

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