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metheglin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

metheglin anlamı
1) bal likörü

"metheglin" için örnek kullanımlar

the style represented; for instance, a mead made with cinnamon and apples may be referred to as either a cinnamon cyser or an apple metheglin.
Kaynak: Mead
It was once used as a medicinal herb and in the making of certain metheglin s. It is in a different family from Anacyclus pyrethrum , also
Kaynak: Parietaria officinalis
A great deal of the work is taken up with mead and metheglin recipes, but there are recipes for sallets (which we would call salads ),
Kaynak: The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened
Honey based: Mead , metheglin Dairy based: Cheese , kefir , kumis (mare milk), shubat (camel milk), cultured milk products such as quark ,
Kaynak: Fermentation in food processing
Common drinks during Calan Mai festivities were metheglin or mead . Sometimes it was made of herbs, including woodruff , a sweet-smelling
Kaynak: Calan Mai
In Mazers of Mead: an account of mead, metheglin, sack and other ancient liquors, and of the mazer cups out of which they were drunk, with
Kaynak: Wassail
of rum, brandy , strong water, cider or metheglin ", and if numbers required in "uninhabited houses, outhouses, barns, or other buildings."
Kaynak: Quartering Acts

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