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modifier ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

modifier anlamı
1) niteleyici
2) değiştiren şey
3) Tamamlayıcı

"modifier" için örnek kullanımlar

Audio playback and a sound channel modifier, bringing animations to life.
Hayat animasyonlar getirmek Ses çalma ve ses kanalı değiştirici.
Kaynak: animationmagazine.net
The use of this complex with manganese as the modifier has another advantage too.
Değiştiricisi olarak manganez ile bu kompleksin kullanımına da başka bir avantaja sahiptir.
Kaynak: english.farsnews.com
The drug candidate works as a gap junction modifier with cardio protective properties.
Ilaç adayı kardiyo koruyucu özelliklere sahip bir gap junction değiştirici olarak çalışır.
Kaynak: globenewswire.com
Carter décide de modifier son cursus mais se retrouve confronté au refus d'Anspaugh.
Carter karar de değiştirici oğlu Cursus mais se retrouve confronté au refus d'Anspaugh.
Kaynak: tvmag.lefigaro.fr
Modifier may refer to: Grammatical modifier , a word that modifies the meaning of another word or limits its meaning. Dangling modifier , a
Kaynak: Modifier
In grammar , a modifier is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure A modifier is so called because it is said to
Kaynak: Grammatical modifier
In computing , a modifier key is a special key on a computer keyboard that modifies the normal action of another key when the two are
Kaynak: Modifier key
In genetics , epistasis is a phenomenon in which the expression of one gene depends on the presence of one or more "modifier genes."
Kaynak: Epistasis
A dangling modifier (a specific case of which is the dangling participle is an ambiguous grammatical construct, often considered an error
Kaynak: Dangling modifier
A compound modifier (also called a compound adjective, phrasal adjective, or adjectival phrase ) is a compound of two or more attributive
Kaynak: Compound modifier
Experience modifier or experience modification is a term used in the American insurance business and more specifically in workers'
Kaynak: Experience modifier
The modifier letter apostrophe (ʼ) is a glyph . In the International Phonetic Alphabet , it is used to express ejective consonant s, such as
Kaynak: Modifier letter apostrophe
The modifier letter left half ring ( ʿ ) is a character of the Unicode Spacing Modifier Letters range, used to transliterate ayin ,
Kaynak: Modifier letter left half ring
Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SUMO1 gene - (small ubiquitin-like modifier) protein family.
Kaynak: Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
A single word modifier is one word that modifies the meaning of another word, phrase or clause. There are two types of single word modifier
Kaynak: Single-word modifier
"modifier letter ring above" (U+02DA) is a character of the Spacing Modifier Letters range (U+02B0–02FF). It is used in the
Kaynak: Modifier letter ring above
The modifier letter double apostrophe (ˮ) is a spacing glyph . It is used in the orthography of Tundra Nenets to denote a glottal stop ,
Kaynak: Modifier letter double apostrophe
In computing , a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, will perform a special operation (for
Kaynak: Control key

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