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mucous ne demek?

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mucous anlamı
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"mucous" için örnek kullanımlar

Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects the skin and mucous membranes.
Kutanöz leishmaniasis deri ve müköz membranları etkiler.
Kaynak: theglobaldispatch.com
Therefore, the mucous membrane can be eliminated more easily.
Bu nedenle, mukoza daha kolay bir şekilde ortadan kaldırılabilir.
Kaynak: english.farsnews.com
It is also rarely contracted through breaks in the skin or contact with mucous membranes.
Aynı zamanda nadiren mukoza ile cilt veya temas sonları yoluyla geçer.
Kaynak: theglobaldispatch.com
In vertebrate s, mucus (adjectival form : "mucous") is a slippery secretion produced by, and covering, mucous membrane s. Mucous fluid is
Kaynak: Mucus
The mucous membranes (or mucosae; singular mucosa) are linings of mostly endodermal origin, covered in epithelium , which are involved in
Kaynak: Mucous membrane
The caudal mucous pit, or caudal mucous horn, is an anatomical structure on the tail end of the foot of various land snail s and slug s,
Kaynak: Caudal mucous pit
Cicatricial pemphigoid (also known as "Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid", "MMP", "Benign mucosal pemphigoid," "Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
Kaynak: Cicatricial pemphigoid
Mucous connective tissue (or mucous tissue) is a type of connective tissue found during fetal development. It is composed mainly of
Kaynak: Mucoid connective tissue
A Myxoid cyst (also known as a "Digital mucous cyst," and "Mucous cyst") is a cutaneous condition often characterized by nail plate
Kaynak: Myxoid cyst
A mucous retention cyst is a cyst caused by an obstruction of a duct, usually belonging to the parotid gland or a minor salivary gland.
Kaynak: Mucous retention cyst
The nasal mucous membrane lines the nasal cavities , and is intimately adherent to the periosteum or perichondrium . with the mucous
Kaynak: Mucous membrane of nose
The mucous membrane of the soft palate is thin, and covered with stratified squamous epithelium on both surfaces, excepting near the
Kaynak: Mucous membrane of the soft palate
The mucous sheaths of the tendons on the back of the wrist are protective coverings for tendon s in the wrist. having a separate mucous sheath.
Kaynak: Mucous sheaths on back of wrist
Foveolar cells are also known as surface mucous cells or mucous neck cells, depending on the location. gastric pit s The mucous secreting
Kaynak: Foveolar cell
The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle protect tendon s in the ankle. for part of their length in mucous sheaths which have an
Kaynak: Mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle
mm. Mucous membrane . m. Muscularis mucosae . m'. Muscular tissue within the mucous membrane. | Image2 Gray1060. png | Caption2 Transverse
Kaynak: Goblet cell

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