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mugger ne demek?

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mugger anlamı
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"mugger" için örnek kullanımlar

Our Australian hero Mick Dundee is approached by mugger in New York City.
Bizim Avustralya kahraman Mick Dundee New York soyguncu tarafından yaklaştı.
Kaynak: csmonitor.com
He's a mugger with a heart of gold who looks like an underwear model.
O bir iç çamaşırı modeli gibi görünüyor altın kalpli bir soyguncu var.
Kaynak: assignmentx.com
The man Vesci nabbed told police who the other mugger was and he was arrested.
Vesci yakalandığını adam diğer soyguncu olduğunu polise söyledi ve tutuklandı.
Kaynak: niagarafallsreporter.com
Next up was Adriana, here outfit was better, but she is a mugger.
Sonraki kadar kıyafet iyiydi burada, Adriana, ama o bir soyguncu olduğunu.
Kaynak: wwnytv.com
The mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) (literally "crocodile of the marsh "), also called the Indian, Indus, Persian, or marsh
Kaynak: Mugger crocodile
In many versions of Batman's origin story he is a mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, thus making him indirectly responsible
Kaynak: Joe Chill
The Mugger is a 1958 American film about a police psychiatrist, Dr. Pete Graham, who is attempting to catch a mysterious mugger that has
Kaynak: The Mugger
Huggermugger, hugger mugger or hugger-mugger may refer to: Huggermugger, a character from a fantasy book series by Christopher Pearse Cranch
Kaynak: Huggermugger
are sometimes known as chuggers because usually fundraising is viewed as aggressive or invasive (a portmanteau of "charity" and "mugger").
Kaynak: Street fundraising
The gharial is one of three crocodilians native to India , apart from the mugger crocodile and the saltwater crocodile It is one of the
Kaynak: Gharial
Mugging or mugger may refer to: A type of street robbery Steaming (crime), a variation of this type of robbery. Model Mugging , a self-
Kaynak: Mugging
marsh or mugger crocodile , the saltwater crocodile , and the gharial , which at the time of founding of the trust were all nearing extinction.
Kaynak: Madras Crocodile Bank Trust

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