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multiphase ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

multiphase anlamı
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2) çok safhalı

"multiphase" için örnek kullanımlar

He has published over 100 technical articles on multiphase flow and process safety and has provided over 600 process safety evaluations for industrial clients.
O çok fazlı akış ve proses güvenliği ile ilgili 100 teknik makale yazmıştır ve endüstriyel müşteriler için 600 işlem güvenliği değerlendirme üzerinde kaynak sağladı.
Kaynak: prweb.com
If there is no settlement, the multiphase trial will determine not only responsibility for the accident but also how many millions of barrels of oil was actually spilled.
Herhangi bir yerleşim varsa, çok fazlı deneme kaza için sorumluluk sadece belirleyecek değil, aynı zamanda kaç milyon varil petrol aslında döküldü.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
The governor's office has criticized as politically motivated several Port Authority oversight bills introduced after a record multiphase toll hike imposed by the agency in 2011.
Valilik 2011 yılında ajans tarafından dayatılan bir rekor fazlı otoyol zammı sonra tanıtıldı siyasidir birkaç Liman Otoritesi gözetim bonosu olarak eleştirdi.
Kaynak: nj.com
In fluid mechanics , multiphase flow is a generalisation of the modelling used in two-phase flow to cases where the two phases are not
Kaynak: Multiphase flow
A multiphase flow meter is a device used in the oil and gas industry to measure the individual phase flow rates of petroleum , water and
Kaynak: Multiphase flow meter
Industrial and multiphase plugs and sockets provide a connection to the electrical mains rated at higher voltages and currents than
Kaynak: Industrial and multiphase power plugs and sockets
The multiphase particle-in-cell method (MP-PIC) is a numerical method for modeling particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions in a
Kaynak: Multiphase particle-in-cell method
Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) is a multiphase space technology development program, funded by the U.S. government , and administered
Kaynak: Commercial Crew Development
A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm),
Kaynak: Nanocomposite
In multiphase flow in porous media , the relative permeability of a phase is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of that
Kaynak: Relative permeability
Professor Barry Azzopardi MSc , PhD (born Gibraltar, 1947 date February 2010) is a chemical engineer specialising in multiphase flow
Kaynak: Barry Azzopardi
Superficial velocity (or superficial flow velocity), in engineering of multiphase flow s and flows in porous media , is a hypothetical
Kaynak: Superficial velocity
Yarnbury Castle is the site of a multiphase, multivallate iron age hillfort near the village and civil parish of Steeple Langford , in
Kaynak: Yarnbury Castle
The Transport Chemical Aerosol Model (TCAM is a multiphase three-dimensional eulerian grid model designed for modelling dispersion of
Kaynak: Transport Chemical Aerosol Model
Mixture theory is used to model multiphase systems using the principles of continuum mechanics generalised to several interpenetrable
Kaynak: Mixture theory
and an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering ("for contributions to the fundamentals and applications of multiphase flows").
Kaynak: Andrea Prosperetti

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