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nature ne demek?

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nature anlamı
1) doğa
2) tabiat
3) yapı
4) mizaç
5) dünya
6) huy
7) alem

"nature" için örnek kullanımlar

nature.com · Sitemap · Register · Login · Advertisment · Nature.
doğa. com · Site Haritası · Kayıt · Giriş · Reklam · Doğa.
Kaynak: nature.com
But Kamkwamba is a generally shy and humble person by nature.
Ama Kamkwamba doğası gereği genellikle utangaç ve mütevazı bir insan.
Kaynak: wired.com
The men face misdemeanor charges of prostitution and attempted crimes against nature.
Erkek fuhuş ve doğaya karşı teşebbüs suçları cürüm suçlamasıyla karşı karşıya.
Kaynak: abclocal.go.com
The men face misdemeanor charges for prostitution and attempted crimes against nature.
Erkek fuhuş ve doğaya karşı teşebbüs suçlarından cürüm suçlamasıyla karşı karşıya.
Kaynak: newsobserver.com
A nature reserve (natural reserve, nature preserve, natural preserve, bioreserve) is a protected area of importance for wildlife , flora
Kaynak: Nature reserve
Natural law, or the law of nature (lex naturalis), is a system of law that is purportedly determined by nature, and thus universal
Kaynak: Natural law
Human nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics, including ways of thinking , feeling and acting , that humans tend to have
Kaynak: Human nature
The nature versus nurture debate concerns the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature," i.e. nativism , or innatism
Kaynak: Nature versus nurture
For example, geobiology has a strong multi-disciplinary nature combining scientists and scientific knowledge of many specialty sciences.
Kaynak: Natural history
Buddha-nature, Buddha-dhatu or Buddha Principle (Skt : Buddha-dhātu, Tathāgatagarbha; Jap : Bussho), is taught differently in various
Kaynak: Buddha-nature
The exact nature of this balance is controversial and there are many different ways for environmental concerns to be expressed in practice
Kaynak: Environmentalism
Mother Nature (sometimes known as Mother Earth) is a common personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing
Kaynak: Mother Nature
aspects of the physical world, the ultimate aim of inquiry about nature's workings was in all cases religious or mythological, not scientific.
Kaynak: Natural science
the interest of protecting what nature remains in the natural environment, or restoring or expanding the role of nature in this environment.
Kaynak: Natural environment
from the observation of nature and from idealized forms, typically those found in classical models, or the work of other artists generally.
Kaynak: Realism (arts)
A nature center (or nature centre) is an organization with a visitor center or interpretive center designed to educate people about
Kaynak: Nature center
Because of the unquestioning nature of most Japanese media to hold to the "party line", many Japanese mid-level officials and experts
Kaynak: 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
Well-known nature documentary makers and presenters include Oscar-winning Bernhard Grzimek , Sir David Attenborough , Richard Brock ,
Kaynak: Nature documentary

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