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newsstand ne demek?

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newsstand anlamı
1) gazete bayi
2) gazete tezgâhı

"newsstand" için örnek kullanımlar

Taylor Swift may top the music charts, but newsstand sales are a whole other story!
Taylor Swift müzik listelerinde üst olabilir, ama gazete bayisi satış bir bütün diğer hikaye vardır!
Kaynak: perezhilton.com
For the full story buy a copy of the Sunday Times Union at your favorite newsstand.
Tam hikaye için favori Gazetecide Sunday Times Birliği'nin bir kopyasını almak.
Kaynak: timesunion.com
Newsstand: British Tabloids Aflare After Man United's Controversial Loss To Real Madrid.
Newsstand: Real Madrid için Man United'ın Tartışmalı Zarar sonra İngiliz Magazin Aflare.
Kaynak: extramustard.si.com
How did the Swiftmeister really go down on the newsstand?
Swiftmeister gerçekten gazete bayisinde nasıl indin?
Kaynak: mydaily.co.uk
A newsagent's shop (British English ), newsagency (Australian English ) or newsstand (American and Canadian English ) is a business that
Kaynak: Newsagent's shop
A digital newsstand is a digital distribution platform of newspapers and magazines for download such as iBookstore , Google Play and
Kaynak: Digital Newsstand
Gold Key Comics was an imprint of Western Publishing created for comic book s distributed to newsstand s. Also known as Whitman Comics,
Kaynak: Gold Key Comics
Out of Town News is an iconic newsstand located in the center of Harvard Square , Cambridge, Massachusetts. The newsstand was long noted
Kaynak: Out of Town News
The Hudson Group is an East Rutherford, New Jersey , based retailer which operates a chain of newsstand s, bookstore s, fast food
Kaynak: Hudson Group
Hudson News is a retail chain of newsstand s mainly located in major transportation hubs , including airports and train stations .
Kaynak: Hudson News
John Corcoran (martial arts), is an American non-fiction book author, newsstand magazine editor, screenwriter and martial arts historian.
Kaynak: John Corcoran
The company publishes newsstand magazines and luxury books, as well as high quality events, and digital media services to owners and
Kaynak: Boat International Media

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